@@ -603,14 +603,14 @@ Note: using **ExecuteJob** the page should not contain nodes in the following fo
-but instead only one <jobs> tag defining the SGBD file that is used, just before the <code> tag:
+but instead only one <jobs> tag defining the SGBD file that is used, just before the *code* tag:
<jobs sgbd="ms430ds0" />
<jobs sgbd="ms430ds0" />
<code show_warnings="true">
<code show_warnings="true">
-and as described the <display ...> tags directly below <page ...>
+and as described the *display* tags directly below the *page* tag.
@@ -704,8 +704,10 @@ and as described the <display ...> tags directly below <page ...>
#### Example using *firstCall*
#### Example using *firstCall*
-Simple **ExecuteJob** example making use of *firstCall*.
+Simple **ExecuteJob** example making use of *firstCall*.
-On the first run an initial job is performed - in this case it switches the DDE to *cylinder system check mode*.
+On the first run an initial job is performed - in this case it switches the DDE to *cylinder system check mode*.
After that the actual values are read on every iteration (which would not output valid data without first switching the DDE to this mode using the firstCall job):
After that the actual values are read on every iteration (which would not output valid data without first switching the DDE to this mode using the firstCall job):
@@ -736,8 +738,10 @@ public void ExecuteJob(EdiabasNet ediabas, ref MultiMap<string, EdiabasNet.Resul
#### Multiple Jobs on the same ECU
#### Multiple Jobs on the same ECU
-Another example that performs 2 different Jobs of the same SGBD.
+Another example that performs 2 different Jobs of the same SGBD.
-Job 2 is less important and is only performed at every 20th iteration, in order to speed up the update rate of Job 1.
+Job 2 is less important and is only performed at every 20th iteration, in order to speed up the update rate of Job 1.
Note Job 2´s result data is stored globally and the last values are always added to the output (otherwise it would only be visible for a short time):
Note Job 2´s result data is stored globally and the last values are always added to the output (otherwise it would only be visible for a short time):
@@ -807,7 +811,9 @@ class PageClass
#### Multiple Jobs on different ECUs
#### Multiple Jobs on different ECUs
Even more advanced example, adding another Job to the last example which is using a different SGBD.
Even more advanced example, adding another Job to the last example which is using a different SGBD.
-Note the now empty <jobs /> tag as the used SGBDs are loaded programmatically here.
+Note the now empty *jobs* tag as the used SGBDs are loaded programmatically here.
The Job on the 2nd SGBD is much less important in this case and therefore only updated on every 98th iteration, so that it doesn´t slow down the update rate of the main job too much. Also there is some "error handling" if the Job on SGBD 2 fails.
The Job on the 2nd SGBD is much less important in this case and therefore only updated on every 98th iteration, so that it doesn´t slow down the update rate of the main job too much. Also there is some "error handling" if the Job on SGBD 2 fails.