BmwDeepObd.xsd 24 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <xs:schema targetNamespace=""
  3. elementFormDefault="qualified"
  4. xmlns=""
  5. xmlns:mstns=""
  6. xmlns:xs=""
  7. >
  8. <xs:simpleType name="string1-type">
  9. <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
  10. <xs:minLength value="1"/>
  11. </xs:restriction>
  12. </xs:simpleType>
  13. <xs:complexType name="include-type">
  14. <xs:annotation>
  15. <xs:documentation>
  16. Allows to include page fragments from another file.
  17. </xs:documentation>
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  19. <xs:attribute name="filename" type="string1-type" use="required">
  20. <xs:annotation>
  21. <xs:documentation>
  22. File name of xml page fragment to include.
  23. File name could be absolute or relative.
  24. </xs:documentation>
  25. </xs:annotation>
  26. </xs:attribute>
  27. </xs:complexType>
  28. <xs:simpleType name="manufacturer-type">
  29. <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
  30. <xs:enumeration value="BMW">
  31. <xs:annotation>
  32. <xs:documentation>
  33. Manufacturer BMW
  34. </xs:documentation>
  35. </xs:annotation>
  36. </xs:enumeration>
  37. <xs:enumeration value="Audi">
  38. <xs:annotation>
  39. <xs:documentation>
  40. Manufacturer Audi
  41. </xs:documentation>
  42. </xs:annotation>
  43. </xs:enumeration>
  44. <xs:enumeration value="Seat">
  45. <xs:annotation>
  46. <xs:documentation>
  47. Manufacturer Seat
  48. </xs:documentation>
  49. </xs:annotation>
  50. </xs:enumeration>
  51. <xs:enumeration value="Skoda">
  52. <xs:annotation>
  53. <xs:documentation>
  54. Manufacturer Skoda
  55. </xs:documentation>
  56. </xs:annotation>
  57. </xs:enumeration>
  58. <xs:enumeration value="VW">
  59. <xs:annotation>
  60. <xs:documentation>
  61. Manufacturer VW
  62. </xs:documentation>
  63. </xs:annotation>
  64. </xs:enumeration>
  65. </xs:restriction>
  66. </xs:simpleType>
  67. <xs:simpleType name="interface-type">
  68. <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
  69. <xs:enumeration value="BLUETOOTH">
  70. <xs:annotation>
  71. <xs:documentation>
  72. Bluetooth interface
  73. </xs:documentation>
  74. </xs:annotation>
  75. </xs:enumeration>
  76. <xs:enumeration value="ENET">
  77. <xs:annotation>
  78. <xs:documentation>
  79. Ethernet interface, not allowed for VW
  80. </xs:documentation>
  81. </xs:annotation>
  82. </xs:enumeration>
  83. <xs:enumeration value="ELMWIFI">
  84. <xs:annotation>
  85. <xs:documentation>
  86. ELM 327 WIFI device, not allowed for VW
  87. </xs:documentation>
  88. </xs:annotation>
  89. </xs:enumeration>
  90. <xs:enumeration value="DEEPOBDWIFI">
  91. <xs:annotation>
  92. <xs:documentation>
  93. Deep OBD WIFI device
  94. </xs:documentation>
  95. </xs:annotation>
  96. </xs:enumeration>
  97. <xs:enumeration value="FTDI">
  98. <xs:annotation>
  99. <xs:documentation>
  100. FTDI USB device, not allowed for VW
  101. </xs:documentation>
  102. </xs:annotation>
  103. </xs:enumeration>
  104. </xs:restriction>
  105. </xs:simpleType>
  106. <xs:simpleType name="display-mode-type">
  107. <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
  108. <xs:enumeration value="list">
  109. <xs:annotation>
  110. <xs:documentation>
  111. Display text list
  112. </xs:documentation>
  113. </xs:annotation>
  114. </xs:enumeration>
  115. <xs:enumeration value="grid">
  116. <xs:annotation>
  117. <xs:documentation>
  118. Display data elements as grid
  119. </xs:documentation>
  120. </xs:annotation>
  121. </xs:enumeration>
  122. </xs:restriction>
  123. </xs:simpleType>
  124. <xs:simpleType name="grid-mode-type">
  125. <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
  126. <xs:enumeration value="hidden">
  127. <xs:annotation>
  128. <xs:documentation>
  129. This entry is not shown
  130. </xs:documentation>
  131. </xs:annotation>
  132. </xs:enumeration>
  133. <xs:enumeration value="simple-gauge-square">
  134. <xs:annotation>
  135. <xs:documentation>
  136. Displays simple gauge square type
  137. </xs:documentation>
  138. </xs:annotation>
  139. </xs:enumeration>
  140. <xs:enumeration value="simple-gauge-round">
  141. <xs:annotation>
  142. <xs:documentation>
  143. Displays simple gauge round type
  144. </xs:documentation>
  145. </xs:annotation>
  146. </xs:enumeration>
  147. <xs:enumeration value="simple-gauge-dot">
  148. <xs:annotation>
  149. <xs:documentation>
  150. Displays simple gauge dot type
  151. </xs:documentation>
  152. </xs:annotation>
  153. </xs:enumeration>
  154. </xs:restriction>
  155. </xs:simpleType>
  156. <xs:simpleType name="fontsize-type">
  157. <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
  158. <xs:enumeration value="small">
  159. <xs:annotation>
  160. <xs:documentation>
  161. Small font appearence
  162. </xs:documentation>
  163. </xs:annotation>
  164. </xs:enumeration>
  165. <xs:enumeration value="medium">
  166. <xs:annotation>
  167. <xs:documentation>
  168. Medium font appearence
  169. </xs:documentation>
  170. </xs:annotation>
  171. </xs:enumeration>
  172. <xs:enumeration value="large">
  173. <xs:annotation>
  174. <xs:documentation>
  175. Large font appearence
  176. </xs:documentation>
  177. </xs:annotation>
  178. </xs:enumeration>
  179. </xs:restriction>
  180. </xs:simpleType>
  181. <xs:complexType name="global-type">
  182. <xs:annotation>
  183. <xs:documentation>Global specifications for all pages.</xs:documentation>
  184. </xs:annotation>
  185. <xs:attribute name="ecu_path" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  186. <xs:annotation>
  187. <xs:documentation>
  188. Relative or absolute path of the ecu files to use. If ommited the standard ecu path will be used (recommended).
  189. </xs:documentation>
  190. </xs:annotation>
  191. </xs:attribute>
  192. <xs:attribute name="log_path" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  193. <xs:annotation>
  194. <xs:documentation>
  195. Relative or absolute path for the trace and data log files.
  196. </xs:documentation>
  197. </xs:annotation>
  198. </xs:attribute>
  199. <xs:attribute name="append_log" type="xs:boolean" default="false" use="optional">
  200. <xs:annotation>
  201. <xs:documentation>
  202. If true the log file is appended.
  203. </xs:documentation>
  204. </xs:annotation>
  205. </xs:attribute>
  206. <xs:attribute name="manufacturer" type="manufacturer-type" default="BMW" use="optional">
  207. <xs:annotation>
  208. <xs:documentation>
  209. Name of the selected manufacturer
  210. If ommited BMW is the default.
  211. </xs:documentation>
  212. </xs:annotation>
  213. </xs:attribute>
  214. <xs:attribute name="interface" type="interface-type" default="BLUETOOTH" use="optional">
  215. <xs:annotation>
  216. <xs:documentation>
  217. Name of the selected communication interface.
  218. If ommited bluetooth is the default.
  219. </xs:documentation>
  220. </xs:annotation>
  221. </xs:attribute>
  222. <xs:attribute name="search_abort_index" type="xs:int" default="-1" use="optional">
  223. <xs:annotation>
  224. <xs:documentation>
  225. Index of the last search abort (VAG only). A values of -1 specifies no abort.
  226. If ommited -1 is the default.
  227. </xs:documentation>
  228. </xs:annotation>
  229. </xs:attribute>
  230. </xs:complexType>
  231. <xs:complexType name="display-type">
  232. <xs:annotation>
  233. <xs:documentation>Specifies a result output row.</xs:documentation>
  234. </xs:annotation>
  235. <xs:attribute name="name" type="string1-type" use="required">
  236. <xs:annotation>
  237. <xs:documentation>
  238. Name of the output list entry.
  239. Must be a reference to a string.
  240. </xs:documentation>
  241. </xs:annotation>
  242. </xs:attribute>
  243. <xs:attribute name="result" type="string1-type" use="required">
  244. <xs:annotation>
  245. <xs:documentation>
  246. Name of the EDIABAS result.
  247. </xs:documentation>
  248. </xs:annotation>
  249. </xs:attribute>
  250. <xs:attribute name="format" type="xs:string" use="optional">
  251. <xs:annotation>
  252. <xs:documentation>
  253. Format of the output value.
  254. The format specifier must have an EDIABAS apiResultText format.
  255. If ommited the function FormatResult() will be called.
  256. </xs:documentation>
  257. </xs:annotation>
  258. </xs:attribute>
  259. <xs:attribute name="grid-type" type="grid-mode-type" default="hidden" use="optional">
  260. <xs:annotation>
  261. <xs:documentation>
  262. Type of display element in grid mode.
  263. If ommited the entry is hidden.
  264. </xs:documentation>
  265. </xs:annotation>
  266. </xs:attribute>
  267. <xs:attribute name="min-value" type="xs:double" default="0" use="optional">
  268. <xs:annotation>
  269. <xs:documentation>
  270. Minimum value for gauge display.
  271. If ommited the default value is 0.
  272. </xs:documentation>
  273. </xs:annotation>
  274. </xs:attribute>
  275. <xs:attribute name="max-value" type="xs:double" default="100" use="optional">
  276. <xs:annotation>
  277. <xs:documentation>
  278. Maximum value for gauge display.
  279. If ommited the default value is 100.
  280. </xs:documentation>
  281. </xs:annotation>
  282. </xs:attribute>
  283. <xs:attribute name="log_tag" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  284. <xs:annotation>
  285. <xs:documentation>
  286. Tag for the data log file.
  287. Data is only logged if tag is present.
  288. </xs:documentation>
  289. </xs:annotation>
  290. </xs:attribute>
  291. </xs:complexType>
  292. <xs:complexType name="string-type" mixed="true">
  293. <xs:annotation>
  294. <xs:documentation>String translation element.</xs:documentation>
  295. </xs:annotation>
  296. <xs:attribute name="name" type="string1-type" use="required">
  297. <xs:annotation>
  298. <xs:documentation>
  299. Name of the translation entry.
  300. It will be used as reference in page and display elements.
  301. Additionally it could be used with the GetPageString() function.
  302. </xs:documentation>
  303. </xs:annotation>
  304. </xs:attribute>
  305. </xs:complexType>
  306. <xs:complexType name="strings-type">
  307. <xs:annotation>
  308. <xs:documentation>
  309. Group of translation strings for specific language.
  310. </xs:documentation>
  311. </xs:annotation>
  312. <xs:sequence>
  313. <xs:element name="string" type="string-type" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  314. </xs:sequence>
  315. <xs:attribute name="lang" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  316. <xs:annotation>
  317. <xs:documentation>
  318. Name of the language (culture).
  319. This could be either the short form e.g. 'de' or the long one 'de-DE'.
  320. If omitted this is the default languge if no other language tag matches.
  321. </xs:documentation>
  322. </xs:annotation>
  323. </xs:attribute>
  324. </xs:complexType>
  325. <xs:complexType name="job-type">
  326. <xs:annotation>
  327. <xs:documentation>
  328. Specifies the EDIABAS job to execute.
  329. </xs:documentation>
  330. </xs:annotation>
  331. <xs:sequence>
  332. <xs:element name="display" type="display-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  333. </xs:sequence>
  334. <xs:attribute name="id" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  335. <xs:annotation>
  336. <xs:documentation>
  337. Id for job result identification.
  338. If this element is specified the result name will be: [id]#[data set index]#[result],
  339. otherwise: [name]#[result].
  340. </xs:documentation>
  341. </xs:annotation>
  342. </xs:attribute>
  343. <xs:attribute name="sgbd" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  344. <xs:annotation>
  345. <xs:documentation>
  346. Name of the SGBD file to load.
  347. This overrides the SGBD file from the jobs node.
  348. It's recommended to combine this with the id attribute.
  349. </xs:documentation>
  350. </xs:annotation>
  351. </xs:attribute>
  352. <xs:attribute name="name" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  353. <xs:annotation>
  354. <xs:documentation>
  355. Name of the EDIABAS job to execute.
  356. If this element is used the function ExecuteJob() will not be called.
  357. </xs:documentation>
  358. </xs:annotation>
  359. </xs:attribute>
  360. <xs:attribute name="args_first" type="xs:string" use="optional">
  361. <xs:annotation>
  362. <xs:documentation>
  363. A list of semicolon separated arguments for the first EDIABAS job call.
  364. </xs:documentation>
  365. </xs:annotation>
  366. </xs:attribute>
  367. <xs:attribute name="args" type="xs:string" use="optional">
  368. <xs:annotation>
  369. <xs:documentation>
  370. A list of semicolon separated arguments for the EDIABAS job.
  371. For the first call args_first will be used if present.
  372. </xs:documentation>
  373. </xs:annotation>
  374. </xs:attribute>
  375. <xs:attribute name="results" type="xs:string" use="optional">
  376. <xs:annotation>
  377. <xs:documentation>
  378. A list of semicolon separated results for the EDIABAS job.
  379. If omitted all results will be generated.
  380. </xs:documentation>
  381. </xs:annotation>
  382. </xs:attribute>
  383. </xs:complexType>
  384. <xs:complexType name="jobs-type">
  385. <xs:annotation>
  386. <xs:documentation>
  387. Specifies all EDIABAS jobs to execute.
  388. </xs:documentation>
  389. </xs:annotation>
  390. <xs:sequence>
  391. <xs:element name="job" type="job-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  392. </xs:sequence>
  393. <xs:attribute name="sgbd" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  394. <xs:annotation>
  395. <xs:documentation>
  396. Name of the SGBD file to load.
  397. If omitted the SGBD must be specified in the job node or loaded in ExecuteJob().
  398. </xs:documentation>
  399. </xs:annotation>
  400. </xs:attribute>
  401. <xs:attribute name="mwtab" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  402. <xs:annotation>
  403. <xs:documentation>
  404. Relative path of the used MwTab file. Only used for VAG configuration generator.
  405. </xs:documentation>
  406. </xs:annotation>
  407. </xs:attribute>
  408. <xs:attribute name="mwdata" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  409. <xs:annotation>
  410. <xs:documentation>
  411. MwTab data from ECU. Only used for VAG configuration generator.
  412. The format is : [block],[index],[type],[unit base 64 encoded];[block],[index] ...
  413. </xs:documentation>
  414. </xs:annotation>
  415. </xs:attribute>
  416. <xs:attribute name="vag_data_file" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  417. <xs:annotation>
  418. <xs:documentation>
  419. Relative path of the used VAG data file. Only used for VAG configuration generator.
  420. </xs:documentation>
  421. </xs:annotation>
  422. </xs:attribute>
  423. <xs:attribute name="vag_uds_file" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  424. <xs:annotation>
  425. <xs:documentation>
  426. Relative path of the used VAG UDS file. Only used for VAG configuration generator.
  427. </xs:documentation>
  428. </xs:annotation>
  429. </xs:attribute>
  430. </xs:complexType>
  431. <xs:complexType name="ecu-type">
  432. <xs:annotation>
  433. <xs:documentation>
  434. Specifies ECU to read the error memory from.
  435. </xs:documentation>
  436. </xs:annotation>
  437. <xs:attribute name="name" type="string1-type" use="required">
  438. <xs:annotation>
  439. <xs:documentation>
  440. Name of the ECU.
  441. Must be a reference to a string element.
  442. </xs:documentation>
  443. </xs:annotation>
  444. </xs:attribute>
  445. <xs:attribute name="sgbd" type="string1-type" use="required">
  446. <xs:annotation>
  447. <xs:documentation>
  448. Name of the SGBD file to load.
  449. </xs:documentation>
  450. </xs:annotation>
  451. </xs:attribute>
  452. <xs:attribute name="vag_data_file" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  453. <xs:annotation>
  454. <xs:documentation>
  455. Relative path of the used VAG data file. Only used for VAG configuration generator.
  456. </xs:documentation>
  457. </xs:annotation>
  458. </xs:attribute>
  459. <xs:attribute name="vag_uds_file" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  460. <xs:annotation>
  461. <xs:documentation>
  462. Relative path of the used VAG UDS file. Only used for VAG configuration generator.
  463. </xs:documentation>
  464. </xs:annotation>
  465. </xs:attribute>
  466. <xs:attribute name="results" type="xs:string" use="optional" default="F_UW_KM">
  467. <xs:annotation>
  468. <xs:documentation>
  469. A list of semicolon separated results for the FS_LESEN_DETAIL job.
  470. If omitted only F_UW_KM result will be generated.
  471. </xs:documentation>
  472. </xs:annotation>
  473. </xs:attribute>
  474. </xs:complexType>
  475. <xs:complexType name="read-errors-type">
  476. <xs:annotation>
  477. <xs:documentation>
  478. Groups nodes for error memory reading
  479. </xs:documentation>
  480. </xs:annotation>
  481. <xs:sequence>
  482. <xs:element name="ecu" type="ecu-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  483. </xs:sequence>
  484. <xs:attribute name="sgbd_functional" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  485. <xs:annotation>
  486. <xs:documentation>
  487. Functional SGBD for this vehicle type. Used for global error reset.
  488. </xs:documentation>
  489. </xs:annotation>
  490. </xs:attribute>
  491. </xs:complexType>
  492. <xs:complexType name="code-type" mixed="true">
  493. <xs:annotation>
  494. <xs:documentation>
  495. <![CDATA[
  496. This block can contain C# user code that will be compiled after reading the xml.
  497. The class for the code must be always named PageClass.
  498. The FormatResult() functions are only called, if there is no format property in the display node!
  499. It can contain the following pre-defined functions:
  500. public void CreateLayout(ActivityMain activity, JobReader.PageInfo pageInfo, LinearLayout pageLayout);
  501. public void DestroyLayout(JobReader.PageInfo pageInfo);
  502. public void UpdateLayout(JobReader.PageInfo pageInfo, bool pageValid, bool threadActive);
  503. public void ExecuteJob(EdiabasNet ediabas, ref Dictionary<string, EdiabasNet.ResultData=""> resultDict, bool firstCall);
  504. public void ExecuteJob(EdiabasNet ediabas, ref MultiMap<string, EdiabasNet.ResultData=""> resultDict, bool firstCall);
  505. public string FormatResult(JobReader.PageInfo pageInfo, Dictionary<string, EdiabasNet.ResultData> resultDict, string resultName);
  506. public string FormatResult(JobReader.PageInfo pageInfo, Dictionary<string, EdiabasNet.ResultData> resultDict, string resultName, ref Android.Graphics.Color? textColor);
  507. public string FormatResult(JobReader.PageInfo pageInfo, MultiMap<string, EdiabasNet.ResultData> resultDict, string resultName, ref Android.Graphics.Color? textColor);
  508. public void UpdateResultList(JobReader.PageInfo pageInfo, Dictionary<string, EdiabasNet.ResultData> resultDict, List<TableResultItem> resultList);
  509. public void UpdateResultList(JobReader.PageInfo pageInfo, MultiMap<string, EdiabasNet.ResultData> resultDict, List<TableResultItem> resultList);
  510. ]]>
  511. </xs:documentation>
  512. </xs:annotation>
  513. <xs:attribute name="show_warnings" type="xs:boolean" default="false" use="optional">
  514. <xs:annotation>
  515. <xs:documentation>
  516. Show warnings during compilation of user code.
  517. </xs:documentation>
  518. </xs:annotation>
  519. </xs:attribute>
  520. </xs:complexType>
  521. <xs:complexType name="page-type">
  522. <xs:annotation>
  523. <xs:documentation>
  524. Definition of one page.
  525. </xs:documentation>
  526. </xs:annotation>
  527. <xs:sequence>
  528. <xs:element name="display" type="display-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  529. <xs:element name="strings" type="strings-type" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  530. <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
  531. <xs:element name="jobs" type="jobs-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
  532. <xs:element name="read_errors" type="read-errors-type" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
  533. </xs:choice>
  534. <xs:element name="code" type="code-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
  535. </xs:sequence>
  536. <xs:attribute name="name" type="string1-type" use="required">
  537. <xs:annotation>
  538. <xs:documentation>
  539. Name of the page.
  540. Must be a reference to a string element.
  541. </xs:documentation>
  542. </xs:annotation>
  543. </xs:attribute>
  544. <xs:attribute name="weight" type="xs:float" use="optional">
  545. <xs:annotation>
  546. <xs:documentation>
  547. Weight to control with width of the result colum.
  548. A value of 1 indicates 50% of the page width.
  549. </xs:documentation>
  550. </xs:annotation>
  551. </xs:attribute>
  552. <xs:attribute name="display-mode" type="display-mode-type" default="list" use="optional">
  553. <xs:annotation>
  554. <xs:documentation>
  555. Display mode, the default mode is list.
  556. </xs:documentation>
  557. </xs:annotation>
  558. </xs:attribute>
  559. <xs:attribute name="fontsize" type="fontsize-type" default="small" use="optional">
  560. <xs:annotation>
  561. <xs:documentation>
  562. Font size appearence, the default size is small.
  563. </xs:documentation>
  564. </xs:annotation>
  565. </xs:attribute>
  566. <xs:attribute name="gauges-portrait" type="xs:integer" default="2" use="optional">
  567. <xs:annotation>
  568. <xs:documentation>
  569. Number of gauges per line in portrait mode, default is 2.
  570. </xs:documentation>
  571. </xs:annotation>
  572. </xs:attribute>
  573. <xs:attribute name="gauges-landscape" type="xs:integer" default="4" use="optional">
  574. <xs:annotation>
  575. <xs:documentation>
  576. Number of gauges per line in landscape mode, default is 4.
  577. </xs:documentation>
  578. </xs:annotation>
  579. </xs:attribute>
  580. <xs:attribute name="logfile" type="string1-type" use="optional">
  581. <xs:annotation>
  582. <xs:documentation>
  583. Name of the data logfile. The symbol {D} will be replaced by the current date and time.
  584. Data logging is only available if a log file name has been set.
  585. </xs:documentation>
  586. </xs:annotation>
  587. </xs:attribute>
  588. <xs:attribute name="activate" type="xs:boolean" default="false" use="optional">
  589. <xs:annotation>
  590. <xs:documentation>
  591. Specifies if an activation button will be displayed on the page.
  592. Use this to prevent automatic job execution on page change.
  593. </xs:documentation>
  594. </xs:annotation>
  595. </xs:attribute>
  596. <xs:attribute name="no_update" type="xs:boolean" default="false" use="optional">
  597. <xs:annotation>
  598. <xs:documentation>
  599. Setting this attribute prevents updating the page from the configuration generator.
  600. </xs:documentation>
  601. </xs:annotation>
  602. </xs:attribute>
  603. </xs:complexType>
  604. <xs:complexType name="pages-type">
  605. <xs:annotation>
  606. <xs:documentation>
  607. Group of all pages to display.
  608. </xs:documentation>
  609. </xs:annotation>
  610. <xs:sequence>
  611. <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
  612. <xs:element name="page" type="page-type"/>
  613. <xs:element name="include" type="include-type"/>
  614. </xs:choice>
  615. </xs:sequence>
  616. </xs:complexType>
  617. <xs:element name="configuration">
  618. <xs:complexType>
  619. <xs:sequence>
  620. <xs:element name="global" type="global-type"/>
  621. <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
  622. <xs:element name="pages" type="pages-type"/>
  623. <xs:element name="include" type="include-type"/>
  624. </xs:choice>
  625. </xs:sequence>
  626. </xs:complexType>
  627. </xs:element>
  628. <xs:element name="fragment">
  629. <xs:annotation>
  630. <xs:documentation>
  631. Fragment for include elements.
  632. </xs:documentation>
  633. </xs:annotation>
  634. <xs:complexType>
  635. <xs:choice>
  636. <xs:element name="page" type="page-type" maxOccurs="unbounded">
  637. <xs:annotation>
  638. <xs:documentation>
  639. Description of one page.
  640. </xs:documentation>
  641. </xs:annotation>
  642. </xs:element>
  643. <xs:element name="pages" type="pages-type">
  644. <xs:annotation>
  645. <xs:documentation>
  646. Description of all pages.
  647. </xs:documentation>
  648. </xs:annotation>
  649. </xs:element>
  650. </xs:choice>
  651. </xs:complexType>
  652. </xs:element>
  653. </xs:schema>