@@ -0,0 +1,825 @@
+ArduinoJson: change log
+v6.20.1 (2023-02-08)
+* Remove explicit exclusion of `as<char*>()` and `as<char>()` (issue #1860)
+ If you try to call them, you'll now get the same error message as any unsupported type.
+ You could also add a custom converter for `char*` and `char`.
+v6.20.0 (2022-12-26)
+* Add `JsonVariant::shallowCopy()` (issue #1343)
+* Fix `9.22337e+18 is outside the range of representable values of type 'long'`
+* Fix comparison operators for `JsonArray`, `JsonArrayConst`, `JsonObject`, and `JsonObjectConst`
+* Fix lax parsing of `true`, `false`, and `null` (issue #1781)
+* Remove undocumented `accept()` functions
+* Rename `addElement()` to `add()`
+* Remove `getElement()`, `getOrAddElement()`, `getMember()`, and `getOrAddMember()`
+* Remove undocumented `JsonDocument::data()` and `JsonDocument::memoryPool()`
+* Remove undocumented `JsonArrayIterator::internal()` and `JsonObjectIterator::internal()`
+* Rename things in `ARDUINOJSON_NAMESPACE` to match the public names
+* Add documentation to most public symbols
+* Remove support for naked `char` (was deprecated since 6.18.0)
+> This release hides `JsonVariant`'s functions that were only intended for internal use.
+> If you were using them in your programs, you must replace with `operator[]` and `to<JsonVariant>()`, like so:
+> ```c++
+> // before
+> JsonVariant a = variant.getElement(idx);
+> JsonVariant b = variant.getOrAddElement(idx);
+> JsonVariant c = variant.getMember(key);
+> JsonVariant d = variant.getOrAddMember(key);
+> // after
+> JsonVariant a = variant[idx];
+> JsonVariant b = idx < variant.size() ? variant[idx] : variant[idx].to<JsonVariant>();
+> JsonVariant c = variant[key];
+> JsonVariant d = variant.containsKey(key) ? variant[key] : variant[key].to<JsonVariant>();
+> ```
+v6.19.4 (2022-04-05)
+* Add `ElementProxy::memoryUsage()`
+* Add `MemberProxy::memoryUsage()` (issue #1730)
+* Add implicit conversion from `JsonDocument` to `JsonVariant`
+* Fix comparisons operators with `const JsonDocument&`
+v6.19.3 (2022-03-08)
+* Fix `call of overloaded 'String(const char*, int)' is ambiguous`
+* Fix `JsonString` operator `==` and `!=` for non-zero-terminated string
+* Fix `-Wsign-conversion` on GCC 8 (issue #1715)
+* MessagePack: serialize round floats as integers (issue #1718)
+v6.19.2 (2022-02-14)
+* Fix `cannot convert 'pgm_p' to 'const void*'` (issue #1707)
+v6.19.1 (2022-01-14)
+* Fix crash when adding an object member in a too small `JsonDocument`
+* Fix filter not working in zero-copy mode (issue #1697)
+v6.19.0 (2022-01-08)
+* Remove `ARDUINOJSON_EMBEDDED_MODE` and assume we run on an embedded platform.
+ Dependent settings (like `ARDUINOJSON_DEFAULT_NESTING_LIMIT`) must be set individually.
+* Change the default of `ARDUINOJSON_USE_DOUBLE` to `1`
+* Change the default of `ARDUINOJSON_USE_LONG_LONG` to `1` on 32-bit platforms
+* Add `as<JsonString>()` and `is<JsonString>()`
+* Add safe bool idiom in `JsonString`
+* Add support for NUL in string values (issue #1646)
+* Add support for arbitrary array rank in `copyArray()`
+* Add support for `char[][]` in `copyArray()`
+* Remove `DeserializationError == bool` and `DeserializationError != bool`
+* Renamed undocumented function `isUndefined()` to `isUnbound()`
+* Fix `JsonVariant::memoryUsage()` for raw strings
+* Fix `call of overloaded 'swap(BasicJsonDocument&, BasicJsonDocument&)' is ambiguous` (issue #1678)
+* Fix inconsistent pool capacity between `BasicJsonDocument`'s copy and move constructors
+* Fix inconsistent pool capacity between `BasicJsonDocument`'s copy and move assignments
+* Fix return type of `StaticJsonDocument::operator=`
+* Avoid pool reallocation in `BasicJsonDocument`'s copy assignment if capacity is the same
+* Avoid including `Arduino.h` when all its features are disabled (issue #1692, PR #1693 by @paulocsanz)
+* Assume `PROGMEM` is available as soon as `ARDUINO` is defined (consequence of #1693)
+v6.18.5 (2021-09-28)
+* Set `ARDUINOJSON_EMBEDDED_MODE` to `1` on Nios II (issue #1657)
+v6.18.4 (2021-09-06)
+* Fixed error `'dummy' may be used uninitialized` on GCC 11
+* Fixed error `expected unqualified-id before 'const'` on GCC 11 (issue #1622)
+* Filter: exact match takes precedence over wildcard (issue #1628)
+* Fixed deserialization of `\u0000` (issue #1646)
+v6.18.3 (2021-07-27)
+* Changed return type of `convertToJson()` and `Converter<T>::toJson()` to `void`
+* Added `as<std::string_view>()` and `is<std::string_view>()`
+v6.18.2 (2021-07-19)
+* Removed a symlink because the Arduino Library Specification forbids it
+v6.18.1 (2021-07-03)
+* Fixed support for `volatile float` and `volatile double` (issue #1557)
+* Fixed error `[Pe070]: incomplete type is not allowed` on IAR (issue #1560)
+* Fixed `serializeJson(doc, String)` when allocation fails (issue #1572)
+* Fixed clang-tidy warnings (issue #1574, PR #1577 by @armandas)
+* Added fake class `InvalidConversion<T1,T2>` to easily identify invalid conversions (issue #1585)
+* Added support for `std::string_view` (issue #1578, PR #1554 by @0xFEEDC0DE64)
+* Fixed warning `definition of implicit copy constructor for 'MsgPackDeserializer' is deprecated because it has a user-declared copy assignment operator`
+* Added `JsonArray::clear()` (issue #1597)
+* Fixed `JsonVariant::as<unsigned>()` (issue #1601)
+* Added support for ESP-IDF component build (PR #1562 by @qt1, PR #1599 by @andreaskuster)
+v6.18.0 (2021-05-05)
+* Added support for custom converters (issue #687)
+* Added support for `Printable` (issue #1444)
+* Removed support for `char` values, see below (issue #1498)
+* `deserializeJson()` leaves `\uXXXX` unchanged instead of returning `NotSupported`
+* `deserializeMsgPack()` inserts `null` instead of returning `NotSupported`
+* Removed `DeserializationError::NotSupported`
+* Added `JsonVariant::is<JsonArrayConst/JsonObjectConst>()` (issue #1412)
+* Added `JsonVariant::is<JsonVariant/JsonVariantConst>()` (issue #1412)
+* Changed `JsonVariantConst::is<JsonArray/JsonObject>()` to return `false` (issue #1412)
+* Simplified `JsonVariant::as<T>()` to always return `T` (see below)
+* Updated folders list in `.mbedignore` (PR #1515 by @AGlass0fMilk)
+* Fixed member-call-on-null-pointer in `getMember()` when array is empty
+* `serializeMsgPack(doc, buffer, size)` doesn't add null-terminator anymore (issue #1545)
+* `serializeJson(doc, buffer, size)` adds null-terminator only if there is enough room
+* PlatformIO: set `build.libArchive` to `false` (PR #1550 by @askreet)
+> #### Support for `char` removed
+> We cannot cast a `JsonVariant` to a `char` anymore, so the following will break:
+> ```c++
+> char age = doc["age"]; // error: no matching function for call to 'variantAs(VariantData*&)'
+> ```
+> Instead, you must use another integral type, such as `int8_t`:
+> ```c++
+> int8_t age = doc["age"]; // OK
+> ```
+> Similarly, we cannot assign from a `char` anymore, so the following will break:
+> ```c++
+> char age;
+> doc["age"] = age; // error: no matching function for call to 'VariantRef::set(const char&)'
+> ```
+> Instead, you must use another integral type, such as `int8_t`:
+> ```c++
+> int8_t age;
+> doc["age"] = age; // OK
+> ```
+> A deprecation warning with the message "Support for `char` is deprecated, use `int8_t` or `uint8_t` instead" was added to allow a smooth transition.
+> #### `as<T>()` always returns `T`
+> Previously, `JsonVariant::as<T>()` could return a type different from `T`.
+> The most common example is `as<char*>()` that returned a `const char*`.
+> While this feature simplified a few use cases, it was confusing and complicated the
+> implementation of custom converters.
+> Starting from this version, `as<T>` doesn't try to auto-correct the return type and always return `T`,
+> which means that you cannot write this anymore:
+> ```c++
+> Serial.println(doc["sensor"].as<char*>()); // error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char*' [-fpermissive]
+> ```
+> Instead, you must write:
+> ```c++
+> Serial.println(doc["sensor"].as<const char*>()); // OK
+> ```
+> A deprecation warning with the message "Replace `as<char*>()` with `as<const char*>()`" was added to allow a smooth transition.
+> #### `DeserializationError::NotSupported` removed
+> On a different topic, `DeserializationError::NotSupported` has been removed.
+> Instead of returning this error:
+> * `deserializeJson()` leaves `\uXXXX` unchanged (only when `ARDUINOJSON_DECODE_UNICODE` is `0`)
+> * `deserializeMsgPack()` replaces unsupported values with `null`s
+> #### Const-aware `is<T>()`
+> Lastly, a very minor change concerns `JsonVariantConst::is<T>()`.
+> It used to return `true` for `JsonArray` and `JsonOject`, but now it returns `false`.
+> Instead, you must use `JsonArrayConst` and `JsonObjectConst`.
+v6.17.3 (2021-02-15)
+* Made `JsonDocument`'s destructor protected (issue #1480)
+* Added missing calls to `client.stop()` in `JsonHttpClient.ino` (issue #1485)
+* Fixed error `expected ')' before 'char'` when `isdigit()` is a macro (issue #1487)
+* Fixed error `definition of implicit copy constructor is deprecated` on Clang 10
+* PlatformIO: set framework compatibility to `*` (PR #1490 by @maxgerhardt)
+v6.17.2 (2020-11-14)
+* Fixed invalid conversion error in `operator|(JsonVariant, char*)` (issue #1432)
+* Changed the default value of `ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_PROGMEM` (issue #1433).
+ It now checks that the `pgm_read_XXX` macros are defined before enabling `PROGMEM`.
+v6.17.1 (2020-11-07)
+* Fixed error `ambiguous overload for 'operator|'` (issue #1411)
+* Fixed `operator|(MemberProxy, JsonObject)` (issue #1415)
+* Allowed more than 32767 values in non-embedded mode (issue #1414)
+v6.17.0 (2020-10-19)
+* Added a build failure when nullptr is defined as a macro (issue #1355)
+* Added `JsonDocument::overflowed()` which tells if the memory pool was too small (issue #1358)
+* Added `DeserializationError::EmptyInput` which tells if the input was empty
+* Added `DeserializationError::f_str()` which returns a `const __FlashStringHelper*` (issue #846)
+* Added `operator|(JsonVariantConst, JsonVariantConst)`
+* Added filtering for MessagePack (issue #1298, PR #1394 by Luca Passarella)
+* Moved float convertion tables to PROGMEM
+* Fixed `JsonVariant::set((char*)0)` which returned false instead of true (issue #1368)
+* Fixed error `No such file or directory #include <WString.h>` (issue #1381)
+v6.16.1 (2020-08-04)
+* Fixed `deserializeJson()` that stopped reading after `{}` (issue #1335)
+v6.16.0 (2020-08-01)
+* Added comparisons (`>`, `>=`, `==`, `!=`, `<`, and `<=`) between `JsonVariant`s
+* Added string deduplication (issue #1303)
+* Added `JsonString::operator!=`
+* Added wildcard key (`*`) for filters (issue #1309)
+* Set `ARDUINOJSON_DECODE_UNICODE` to `1` by default
+* Fixed `copyArray()` not working with `String`, `ElementProxy`, and `MemberProxy`
+* Fixed error `getOrAddElement is not a member of ElementProxy` (issue #1311)
+* Fixed excessive stack usage when compiled with `-Og` (issues #1210 and #1314)
+* Fixed `Warning[Pa093]: implicit conversion from floating point to integer` on IAR compiler (PR #1328 by @stawiski)
+v6.15.2 (2020-05-15)
+* CMake: don't build tests when imported in another project
+* CMake: made project arch-independent
+* Visual Studio: fixed error C2766 with flag `/Zc:__cplusplus` (issue #1250)
+* Added support for `JsonDocument` to `copyArray()` (issue #1255)
+* Added support for `enum`s in `as<T>()` and `is<T>()` (issue #1256)
+* Added `JsonVariant` as an input type for `deserializeXxx()`
+ For example, you can do: `deserializeJson(doc2, doc1["payload"])`
+* Break the build if using 64-bit integers with ARDUINOJSON_USE_LONG_LONG==0
+v6.15.1 (2020-04-08)
+* Fixed "maybe-uninitialized" warning (issue #1217)
+* Fixed "statement is unreachable" warning on IAR (issue #1233)
+* Fixed "pointless integer comparison" warning on IAR (issue #1233)
+* Added CMake "install" target (issue #1209)
+* Disabled alignment on AVR (issue #1231)
+v6.15.0 (2020-03-22)
+* Added `DeserializationOption::Filter` (issue #959)
+* Added example `JsonFilterExample.ino`
+* Changed the array subscript operator to automatically add missing elements
+* Fixed "deprecated-copy" warning on GCC 9 (fixes #1184)
+* Fixed `MemberProxy::set(char[])` not duplicating the string (issue #1191)
+* Fixed enums serialized as booleans (issue #1197)
+* Fixed incorrect string comparison on some platforms (issue #1198)
+* Added move-constructor and move-assignment to `BasicJsonDocument`
+* Added `BasicJsonDocument::garbageCollect()` (issue #1195)
+* Added `StaticJsonDocument::garbageCollect()`
+* Changed copy-constructor of `BasicJsonDocument` to preserve the capacity of the source.
+* Removed copy-constructor of `JsonDocument` (issue #1189)
+> #### Copy-constructor of `BasicJsonDocument`
+> In previous versions, the copy constructor of `BasicJsonDocument` looked at the source's `memoryUsage()` to choose its capacity.
+> Now, the copy constructor of `BasicJsonDocument` uses the same capacity as the source.
+> Example:
+> ```c++
+> DynamicJsonDocument doc1(64);
+> doc1.set(String("example"));
+> DynamicJsonDocument doc2 = doc1;
+> Serial.print(doc2.capacity()); // 8 with ArduinoJson 6.14
+> // 64 with ArduinoJson 6.15
+> ```
+> I made this change to get consistent results between copy-constructor and move-constructor, and whether RVO applies or not.
+> If you use the copy-constructor to optimize your documents, you can use `garbageCollect()` or `shrinkToFit()` instead.
+> #### Copy-constructor of `JsonDocument`
+> In previous versions, it was possible to create a function that take a `JsonDocument` by value.
+> ```c++
+> void myFunction(JsonDocument doc) {}
+> ```
+> This function gives the wrong clues because it doesn't receive a copy of the `JsonDocument`, only a sliced version.
+> It worked because the copy constructor copied the internal pointers, but it was an accident.
+> From now, if you need to pass a `JsonDocument` to a function, you must use a reference:
+> ```c++
+> void myFunction(JsonDocument& doc) {}
+> ```
+v6.14.1 (2020-01-27)
+* Fixed regression in UTF16 decoding (issue #1173)
+* Fixed `containsKey()` on `JsonVariantConst`
+* Added `getElement()` and `getMember()` to `JsonVariantConst`
+v6.14.0 (2020-01-16)
+* Added `BasicJsonDocument::shrinkToFit()`
+* Added support of `uint8_t` for `serializeJson()`, `serializeJsonPretty()`, and `serializeMsgPack()` (issue #1142)
+* Added `ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_COMMENTS` to enable support for comments (defaults to 0)
+* Auto enable support for `std::string` and `std::stream` on modern compilers (issue #1156)
+* Improved decoding of UTF-16 surrogate pairs (PR #1157 by @kaysievers)
+ (ArduinoJson now produces standard UTF-8 instead of CESU-8)
+* Added `measureJson`, `measureJsonPretty`, and `measureMsgPack` to `keywords.txt`
+ (This file is used for syntax highlighting in the Arduino IDE)
+* Fixed `variant.is<nullptr_t>()`
+* Fixed value returned by `serializeJson()`, `serializeJsonPretty()`, and `serializeMsgPack()` when writing to a `String`
+* Improved speed of `serializeJson()`, `serializeJsonPretty()`, and `serializeMsgPack()` when writing to a `String`
+> #### Comments
+> Support for comments in input is now optional and disabled by default.
+> If you need support for comments, you must defined `ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_COMMENTS` to `1`; otherwise, you'll receive `InvalidInput` errors.
+> ```c++
+> #include <ArduinoJson.h>
+> ```
+v6.13.0 (2019-11-01)
+* Added support for custom writer/reader classes (issue #1088)
+* Added conversion from `JsonArray` and `JsonObject` to `bool`, to be consistent with `JsonVariant`
+* Fixed `deserializeJson()` when input contains duplicate keys (issue #1095)
+* Improved `deserializeMsgPack()` speed by reading several bytes at once
+* Added detection of Atmel AVR8/GNU C Compiler (issue #1112)
+* Fixed deserializer that stopped reading at the first `0xFF` (PR #1118 by @mikee47)
+* Fixed dangling reference in copies of `MemberProxy` and `ElementProxy` (issue #1120)
+v6.12.0 (2019-09-05)
+* Use absolute instead of relative includes (issue #1072)
+* Changed `JsonVariant::as<bool>()` to return `true` for any non-null value (issue #1005)
+* Moved ancillary files to `extras/` (issue #1011)
+v6.11.5 (2019-08-23)
+* Added fallback implementations of `strlen_P()`, `strncmp_P()`, `strcmp_P()`, and `memcpy_P()` (issue #1073)
+v6.11.4 (2019-08-12)
+* Added `measureJson()` to the `ArduinoJson` namespace (PR #1069 by @nomis)
+* Added support for `basic_string<char, traits, allocator>` (issue #1045)
+* Fixed example `JsonConfigFile.ino` for ESP8266
+* Include `Arduino.h` if `ARDUINO` is defined (PR #1071 by @nomis)
+v6.11.3 (2019-07-22)
+* Added operators `==` and `!=` for `JsonDocument`, `ElementProxy`, and `MemberProxy`
+* Fixed comparison of `JsonVariant` when one contains a linked string and the other contains an owned string (issue #1051)
+v6.11.2 (2019-07-08)
+* Fixed assignment of `JsonDocument` to `JsonVariant` (issue #1023)
+* Fix invalid conversion error on Particle Argon (issue #1035)
+v6.11.1 (2019-06-21)
+* Fixed `serialized()` not working with Flash strings (issue #1030)
+v6.11.0 (2019-05-26)
+* Fixed `deserializeJson()` silently accepting a `Stream*` (issue #978)
+* Fixed invalid result from `operator|` (issue #981)
+* Made `deserializeJson()` more picky about trailing characters (issue #980)
+* Added `ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_NAN` (default=0) to enable NaN in JSON (issue #973)
+* Added `ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_INFINITY` (default=0) to enable Infinity in JSON
+* Removed implicit conversion in comparison operators (issue #998)
+* Added lexicographical comparison for `JsonVariant`
+* Added support for `nullptr` (issue #998)
+> #### NaN and Infinity
+> The JSON specification allows neither NaN not Infinity, but previous
+> versions of ArduinoJson supported it. Now, ArduinoJson behaves like most
+> other libraries: a NaN or and Infinity in the `JsonDocument`, becomes
+> a `null` in the output JSON. Also, `deserializeJson()` returns
+> `InvalidInput` if the JSON document contains NaN or Infinity.
+> This version still supports NaN and Infinity in JSON documents, but
+> it's disabled by default to be compatible with other JSON parsers.
+> If you need the old behavior back, define `ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_NAN` and
+> ```c++
+> #include <ArduinoJson.h>
+> ```
+> #### The "or" operator
+> This version slightly changes the behavior of the | operator when the
+> variant contains a float and the user requests an integer.
+> Older versions returned the floating point value truncated.
+> Now, it returns the default value.
+> ```c++
+> // suppose variant contains 1.2
+> int value = variant | 3;
+> // old behavior:
+> value == 1
+> // new behavior
+> value == 3
+> ```
+> If you need the old behavior, you must add `if (variant.is<float>())`.
+v6.10.1 (2019-04-23)
+* Fixed error "attributes are not allowed on a function-definition"
+* Fixed `deserializeJson()` not being picky enough (issue #969)
+* Fixed error "no matching function for call to write(uint8_t)" (issue #972)
+v6.10.0 (2019-03-22)
+* Fixed an integer overflow in the JSON deserializer
+* Added overflow handling in `JsonVariant::as<T>()` and `JsonVariant::is<T>()`.
+ - `as<T>()` returns `0` if the integer `T` overflows
+ - `is<T>()` returns `false` if the integer `T` overflows
+* Added `BasicJsonDocument` to support custom allocator (issue #876)
+* Added `JsonDocument::containsKey()` (issue #938)
+* Added `JsonVariant::containsKey()`
+v6.9.1 (2019-03-01)
+* Fixed warning "unused variable" with GCC 4.4 (issue #912)
+* Fixed warning "cast increases required alignment" (issue #914)
+* Fixed warning "conversion may alter value" (issue #914)
+* Fixed naming conflict with "CAPACITY" (issue #839)
+* Muted warning "will change in GCC 7.1" (issue #914)
+* Added a clear error message for `StaticJsonBuffer` and `DynamicJsonBuffer`
+* Marked ArduinoJson.h as a "system header"
+v6.9.0 (2019-02-26)
+* Decode escaped Unicode characters like \u00DE (issue #304, PR #791)
+ Many thanks to Daniel Schulte (aka @trilader) who implemented this feature.
+* Added option ARDUINOJSON_DECODE_UNICODE to enable it
+* Converted `JsonArray::copyFrom()/copyTo()` to free functions `copyArray()`
+* Renamed `JsonArray::copyFrom()` and `JsonObject::copyFrom()` to `set()`
+* Renamed `JsonArray::get()` to `getElement()`
+* Renamed `JsonArray::add()` (without arg) to `addElement()`
+* Renamed `JsonObject::get()` to `getMember()`
+* Renamed `JsonObject::getOrCreate()` to `getOrAddMember()`
+* Fixed `JsonVariant::isNull()` not returning `true` after `set((char*)0)`
+* Fixed segfault after `variant.set(serialized((char*)0))`
+* Detect `IncompleteInput` in `false`, `true`, and `null`
+* Added `JsonDocument::size()`
+* Added `JsonDocument::remove()`
+* Added `JsonVariant::clear()`
+* Added `JsonVariant::remove()`
+v6.8.0-beta (2019-01-30)
+* Import functions in the ArduinoJson namespace to get clearer errors
+* Improved syntax highlighting in Arduino IDE
+* Removed default capacity of `DynamicJsonDocument`
+* `JsonArray::copyFrom()` accepts `JsonArrayConst`
+* `JsonVariant::set()` accepts `JsonArrayConst` and `JsonObjectConst`
+* `JsonDocument` was missing in the ArduinoJson namespace
+* Added `memoryUsage()` to `JsonArray`, `JsonObject`, and `JsonVariant`
+* Added `nesting()` to `JsonArray`, `JsonDocument`, `JsonObject`, and `JsonVariant`
+* Replaced `JsonDocument::nestingLimit` with an additional parameter
+ to `deserializeJson()` and `deserializeMsgPack()`
+* Fixed uninitialized variant in `JsonDocument`
+* Fixed `StaticJsonDocument` copy constructor and copy assignment
+* The copy constructor of `DynamicJsonDocument` chooses the capacity according to the memory usage of the source, not from the capacity of the source.
+* Added the ability to create/assign a `StaticJsonDocument`/`DynamicJsonDocument` from a `JsonArray`/`JsonObject`/`JsonVariant`
+* Added `JsonDocument::isNull()`
+* Added `JsonDocument::operator[]`
+* Added `ARDUINOJSON_TAB` to configure the indentation character
+* Reduced the size of the pretty JSON serializer
+* Added `add()`, `createNestedArray()` and `createNestedObject()` to `JsonVariant`
+* `JsonVariant` automatically promotes to `JsonObject` or `JsonArray` on write.
+ Calling `JsonVariant::to<T>()` is not required anymore.
+* `JsonDocument` now support the same operations as `JsonVariant`.
+ Calling `JsonDocument::as<T>()` is not required anymore.
+* Fixed example `JsonHttpClient.ino`
+* User can now use a `JsonString` as a key or a value
+> #### `DynamicJsonDocument`'s constructor
+> The parameter to the constructor of `DynamicJsonDocument` is now mandatory
+> Old code:
+> ```c++
+> DynamicJsonDocument doc;
+> ```
+> New code:
+> ```c++
+> DynamicJsonDocument doc(1024);
+> ```
+> #### Nesting limit
+> `JsonDocument::nestingLimit` was replaced with a new parameter to `deserializeJson()` and `deserializeMsgPack()`.
+> Old code:
+> ```c++
+> doc.nestingLimit = 15;
+> deserializeJson(doc, input);
+> ```
+> New code:
+> ```c++
+> deserializeJson(doc, input, DeserializationOption::NestingLimit(15));
+> ```
+v6.7.0-beta (2018-12-07)
+* Removed the automatic expansion of `DynamicJsonDocument`, it now has a fixed capacity.
+* Restored the monotonic allocator because the code was getting too big
+* Reduced the memory usage
+* Reduced the code size
+* Renamed `JsonKey` to `JsonString`
+* Removed spurious files in the Particle library
+v6.6.0-beta (2018-11-13)
+* Removed `JsonArray::is<T>(i)` and `JsonArray::set(i,v)`
+* Removed `JsonObject::is<T>(k)` and `JsonObject::set(k,v)`
+* Replaced `T JsonArray::get<T>(i)` with `JsonVariant JsonArray::get(i)`
+* Replaced `T JsonObject::get<T>(k)` with `JsonVariant JsonObject::get(k)`
+* ~~Replacing or removing a value now releases the memory~~
+* Added `DeserializationError::code()` to be used in switch statements (issue #846)
+v6.5.0-beta (2018-10-13)
+* Added implicit conversion from `JsonArray` and `JsonObject` to `JsonVariant`
+* Allow mixed configuration in compilation units (issue #809)
+* Fixed object keys not being duplicated
+* `JsonPair::key()` now returns a `JsonKey`
+* Increased the default capacity of `DynamicJsonDocument`
+* Fixed `JsonVariant::is<String>()` (closes #763)
+* Added `JsonArrayConst`, `JsonObjectConst`, and `JsonVariantConst`
+* Added copy-constructor and copy-assignment-operator for `JsonDocument` (issue #827)
+v6.4.0-beta (2018-09-11)
+* Copy `JsonArray` and `JsonObject`, instead of storing pointers (issue #780)
+* Added `JsonVariant::to<JsonArray>()` and `JsonVariant::to<JsonObject>()`
+v6.3.0-beta (2018-08-31)
+* Implemented reference semantics for `JsonVariant`
+* Replaced `JsonPair`'s `key` and `value` with `key()` and `value()`
+* Fixed `serializeJson(obj[key], dst)` (issue #794)
+> #### JsonVariant
+> `JsonVariant` now has a semantic similar to `JsonObject` and `JsonArray`.
+> It's a reference to a value stored in the `JsonDocument`.
+> As a consequence, a `JsonVariant` cannot be used as a standalone variable anymore.
+> Old code:
+> ```c++
+> JsonVariant myValue = 42;
+> ```
+> New code:
+> ```c++
+> DynamicJsonDocument doc;
+> JsonVariant myValue = doc.to<JsonVariant>();
+> myValue.set(42);
+> ```
+> #### JsonPair
+> Old code:
+> ```c++
+> for(JsonPair p : myObject) {
+> Serial.println(p.key);
+> Serial.println(p.value.as<int>());
+> }
+> ```
+> New code:
+> ```c++
+> for(JsonPair p : myObject) {
+> Serial.println(p.key());
+> Serial.println(p.value().as<int>());
+> }
+> ```
+> CAUTION: the key is now read only!
+v6.2.3-beta (2018-07-19)
+* Fixed exception when using Flash strings as object keys (issue #784)
+v6.2.2-beta (2018-07-18)
+* Fixed `invalid application of 'sizeof' to incomplete type '__FlashStringHelper'` (issue #783)
+* Fixed `char[]` not duplicated when passed to `JsonVariant::operator[]`
+v6.2.1-beta (2018-07-17)
+* Fixed `JsonObject` not inserting keys of type `String` (issue #782)
+v6.2.0-beta (2018-07-12)
+* Disabled lazy number deserialization (issue #772)
+* Fixed `JsonVariant::is<int>()` that returned true for empty strings
+* Improved float serialization when `-fsingle-precision-constant` is used
+* Renamed function `RawJson()` to `serialized()`
+* `serializeMsgPack()` now supports values marked with `serialized()`
+> #### Non quoted strings
+> Non quoted strings are now forbidden in values, but they are still allowed in keys.
+> For example, `{key:"value"}` is accepted, but `{key:value}` is not.
+> #### Preformatted values
+> Old code:
+> ```c++
+> object["values"] = RawJson("[1,2,3,4]");
+> ```
+> New code:
+> ```c++
+> object["values"] = serialized("[1,2,3,4]");
+> ```
+v6.1.0-beta (2018-07-02)
+* Return `JsonArray` and `JsonObject` by value instead of reference (issue #309)
+* Replaced `success()` with `isNull()`
+> Old code:
+> ```c++
+> JsonObject& obj = doc.to<JsonObject>();
+> JsonArray& arr = obj.createNestedArray("key");
+> if (!arr.success()) {
+> Serial.println("Not enough memory");
+> return;
+> }
+> ```
+> New code:
+> ```c++
+> JsonObject obj = doc.to<JsonObject>();
+> JsonArray arr = obj.createNestedArray("key");
+> if (arr.isNull()) {
+> Serial.println("Not enough memory");
+> return;
+> }
+> ```
+v6.0.1-beta (2018-06-11)
+* Fixed conflicts with `isnan()` and `isinf()` macros (issue #752)
+v6.0.0-beta (2018-06-07)
+* Added `DynamicJsonDocument` and `StaticJsonDocument`
+* Added `deserializeJson()`
+* Added `serializeJson()` and `serializeJsonPretty()`
+* Added `measureJson()` and `measureJsonPretty()`
+* Added `serializeMsgPack()`, `deserializeMsgPack()` and `measureMsgPack()` (issue #358)
+* Added example `MsgPackParser.ino` (issue #358)
+* Added support for non zero-terminated strings (issue #704)
+* Removed `JsonBuffer::parseArray()`, `parseObject()` and `parse()`
+* Removed `JsonBuffer::createArray()` and `createObject()`
+* Removed `printTo()` and `prettyPrintTo()`
+* Removed `measureLength()` and `measurePrettyLength()`
+* Removed all deprecated features
+> #### Deserialization
+> Old code:
+> ```c++
+> DynamicJsonBuffer jb;
+> JsonObject& obj = jb.parseObject(json);
+> if (obj.success()) {
+> }
+> ```
+> New code:
+> ```c++
+> DynamicJsonDocument doc;
+> DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, json);
+> if (error) {
+> }
+> JsonObject& obj = doc.as<JsonObject>();
+> ```
+> #### Serialization
+> Old code:
+> ```c++
+> DynamicJsonBuffer jb;
+> JsonObject& obj = jb.createObject();
+> obj["key"] = "value";
+> obj.printTo(Serial);
+> ```
+> New code:
+> ```c++
+> DynamicJsonDocument obj;
+> JsonObject& obj = doc.to<JsonObject>();
+> obj["key"] = "value";
+> serializeJson(doc, Serial);
+> ```