"""Minimal example of Python websocket server handling OTA updates for ESP32 amd ESP8266 Check and upload of firmware works. Register and state function are jus for example. """ # pylint: disable=W0703,E1101 import asyncio import copy import json import logging import subprocess import threading import time from os import listdir from os.path import join as join_pth from pathlib import Path import websockets from packaging import version # Logger settings logging.basicConfig(filename="ws_server.log") Logger = logging.getLogger('WS-OTA') Logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) Logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Path to directory with FW fw_path = join_pth(Path().absolute(), "firmware") def create_path(path: str) -> None: """Check if path exist or create it""" Path(path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def shell(command): """Handle execution of shell commands""" with subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True ) as process: for stdout_line in iter(process.stdout.readline, ""): Logger.debug(stdout_line) process.stdout.close() return_code = process.wait() Logger.debug("Shell returned: %s", return_code) return process.returncode return None async def binary_send(websocket, fw_file): """Read firmware file, divide it to chunks and send them""" with open(fw_file, "rb") as binaryfile: while True: chunk = binaryfile.read(2048) if not chunk: break try: await websocket.send(chunk) except Exception as exception: Logger.exception(exception) return False time.sleep(0.2) def version_checker(name, vdev, vapp): """Parse and compare FW version""" if version.parse(vdev) < version.parse(vapp): Logger.info("Client(%s) version %s is smaller than %s: Go for update", name, vdev, vapp) return True Logger.info("Client(%s) version %s is greater or equal to %s: Not updating", name, vdev, vapp) return False class WsOtaHandler (threading.Thread): """Thread handling ota update Runing ota directly from message would kill WS as message bus would timeout. """ def __init__(self, name, message, websocket): threading.Thread.__init__(self, daemon=True) self.name = name self.msg = message self.websocket = websocket def run(self, ): try: asyncio.run(self.start_) except Exception as exception: Logger.exception(exception) finally: pass async def start_(self): """Start _ota se asyncio future""" msg_task = asyncio.ensure_future( self._ota()) done, pending = await asyncio.wait( [msg_task], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, ) Logger.info("WS Ota Handler done: %s", done) for task in pending: task.cancel() async def _ota(self): """Check for new fw and update or pass""" device_name = self.msg['name'] device_chip = self.msg['chip'] device_version = self.msg['version'] fw_version = '' fw_name = '' fw_device = '' for filename in listdir(fw_path): fw_info = filename.split("-") fw_device = fw_info[0] if fw_device == device_name: fw_version = fw_info[1] fw_name = filename break if not fw_version: Logger.info("Client(%s): No fw found!", device_name) msg = '{"type": "ota", "value":"ok"}' await self.websocket.send(msg) return if not version_checker(device_name, device_version, fw_version): return fw_file = join_pth(fw_path, fw_name) if device_chip == 'esp8266' and not fw_file.endswith('.gz'): # We can compress fw to make it smaller for upload fw_cpress = fw_file fw_file = fw_cpress + ".gz" cpress = f"gzip -9 {fw_cpress}" cstate = shell(cpress) if cstate: Logger.error("Cannot compress firmware: %s", fw_name) return # Get size of fw size = Path(fw_file).stat().st_size # Request ota mode msg = '{"type": "ota", "value":"go", "size":' + str(size) + '}' await self.websocket.send(msg) # send file by chunks trough websocket await binary_send(self.websocket, fw_file) async def _register(websocket, message): mac = message.get('mac') name = message.get('name') Logger.info("Client(%s) mac: %s", name, mac) # Some code response = {'response_type': 'registry', 'state': 'ok'} await websocket.send(json.dumps(response)) async def _state(websocket, message): mac = message.get('mac') name = message.get('name') Logger.info("Client(%s) mac: %s", name, mac) # Some code response = {'response_type': 'state', 'state': 'ok'} await websocket.send(json.dumps(response)) async def _unhandleld(websocket, msg): Logger.info("Unhandled message from device: %s", str(msg)) response = {'response_type': 'response', 'state': 'nok'} await websocket.send(json.dumps(response)) async def _greetings(websocket, message): WsOtaHandler('thread_ota', copy.deepcopy(message), websocket).start() async def message_received(websocket, message) -> None: """Handle incoming messages Check if message contain json and run waned function """ switcher = {"greetings": _greetings, "register": _register, "state": _state } if message[0:1] == "{": try: msg_json = json.loads(message) except Exception as exception: Logger.error(exception) return type_ = msg_json.get('type') name = msg_json.get('name') func = switcher.get(type_, _unhandleld) Logger.debug("Client(%s)said: %s", name, type_) try: await func(websocket, msg_json) except Exception as exception: Logger.error(exception) # pylint: disable=W0613 async def ws_server(websocket, path) -> None: """Run in cycle and wait for new messages""" async for message in websocket: await message_received(websocket, message) async def main(): """Server starter Normal user can bind only port nubers greater than 1024 """ async with websockets.serve(ws_server, "", 8081): await asyncio.Future() # run forever create_path(fw_path) asyncio.run(main())