#define CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI 1 #define CONFPAGE_WEB 2 #define CONFPAGE_MQTT 3 #define CONFPAGE_THERM 4 #define CONFPAGE_THERM_VALUES 14 #define CONFPAGE_ADD 5 #define CONFPAGE_TIME 6 #define CONFPAGE_LOG 7 #define CONFPAGE_SENS 8 #define CONFPAGE_DISPLAY 9 #define CONFPAGE_HEATC 12 void getConfig(char *_param) { // gets and prints the corresponding config variable for '_param' //if (serialdebug) //{ // Serial.print("getConfig - '"); // Serial.print(_param); // Serial.println("'"); //} strlwr(_param); int _isConfPage = 0; if (strcmp(_param, "values") == 0) _isConfPage = 100; //else if (strcmp(_param, "confsecrets") == 0) // _isConfPage = 0; else if (strcmp(_param, "confdevwifi") == 0) _isConfPage = CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI; else if (strcmp(_param, "confdev") == 0) _isConfPage = CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI; else if (strcmp(_param, "confwifi") == 0) _isConfPage = CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI; else if (strcmp(_param, "confweb") == 0) _isConfPage = CONFPAGE_WEB; else if (strcmp(_param, "confmqtt") == 0) _isConfPage = CONFPAGE_MQTT; else if (strcmp(_param, "conftherm") == 0) _isConfPage = CONFPAGE_THERM; else if (strcmp(_param, "confadd") == 0) _isConfPage = CONFPAGE_ADD; #ifdef ENABLE_FEATURE_NTP_TIME else if (strcmp(_param, "conftime") == 0) _isConfPage = CONFPAGE_TIME; #endif else if (strcmp(_param, "conflog") == 0) _isConfPage = CONFPAGE_LOG; else if (strcmp(_param, "confheatc") == 0) _isConfPage = CONFPAGE_HEATC; // confDevWiFi if (strcmp(_param, "devname") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.devName: '%s'", PGMStr_confDevWiFi, confDevWiFi.deviceName); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "hostname") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.hostName: '%s'", PGMStr_confDevWiFi, confDevWiFi.hostName); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "ssid1") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.SSID1: '%s'", PGMStr_confDevWiFi, confDevWiFi.WiFiSSID1); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "wpw1") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.WPW1: '%s'", PGMStr_confDevWiFi, confSecrets.WiFiPW1); #else sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.WPW1: '******'", PGMStr_confDevWiFi); #endif sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "ssid2") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.SSID2: '%s'", PGMStr_confDevWiFi, confDevWiFi.WiFiSSID2); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "wpw2") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.WPW2: '%s'", PGMStr_confDevWiFi, confSecrets.WiFiPW2); #else sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.WPW2: '******'", PGMStr_confDevWiFi); #endif sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "wpwap") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.WPWAp: '%s'", PGMStr_confDevWiFi, confSecrets.WiFiAPModePassword); #else sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.WPWAp: '******'", PGMStr_confDevWiFi); #endif sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "waptout") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.WApTout: %d", PGMStr_confDevWiFi, confDevWiFi.WiFiAPModeTimeout); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "wconncheck") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.WConnCheck: %d", PGMStr_confDevWiFi, confDevWiFi.WiFiConnCheckInterval); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "wretry") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.WRetry: %d", PGMStr_confDevWiFi, confDevWiFi.WiFiRetryInterval); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "wreboot") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.WReboot: %d", PGMStr_confDevWiFi, confDevWiFi.WiFiRebootOnNoConnect); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "ardota") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DEVWIFI) { int _tmp; if (confDevWiFi.enableArduinoOTA) _tmp = 1; else _tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.ArdOTA: %d", PGMStr_confDevWiFi, _tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } // confDevWiFi //confWeb if (strcmp(_param, "apitoken") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_WEB) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.apiToken: '%s'", PGMStr_confWeb, confSecrets.http_token); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "httpua") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_WEB) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.httpUA: '%s'", PGMStr_confWeb, confSecrets.http_user); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "httppa") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_WEB) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.httpPA: '%s'", PGMStr_confWeb, confSecrets.http_pass); #else sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.httpPA: '****'", PGMStr_confWeb); #endif sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "httpu1") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_WEB) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.httpU1: '%s'", PGMStr_confWeb, confSecrets.http_user1); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "httpp1") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_WEB) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.httpP1: '%s'", PGMStr_confWeb, confSecrets.http_pass1); #else sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.httpP1: '****'", PGMStr_confWeb); #endif sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "httpu2") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_WEB) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.httpU2: '%s'", PGMStr_confWeb, confSecrets.http_user2); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "httpp2") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_WEB) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.httpP2: '%s'", PGMStr_confWeb, confSecrets.http_pass2); #else sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.httpP2: '****'", PGMStr_confWeb); #endif sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "httpauth") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_WEB) { int _tmp; if (confWeb.http_user_auth) _tmp = 1; else _tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.httpAuth: %d", PGMStr_confWeb, _tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "wconsole") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_WEB) { int _tmp; if (confWeb.wConsole) _tmp = 1; else _tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.wConsole: %d", PGMStr_confWeb, _tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "wsconsole") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_WEB) { int _tmp; if (confWeb.wsConsole) _tmp = 1; else _tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.wsConsole: %d", PGMStr_confWeb, _tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "enableota") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_WEB) { int _tmp; if (confWeb.enableOTA) _tmp = 1; else _tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.enableOTA: %d", PGMStr_confWeb, _tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "fsbrowser") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_WEB) { int _tmp; if (confWeb.FSbrowser) _tmp = 1; else _tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.FSbrowser: %d", PGMStr_confWeb, _tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } //confWeb //confMqtt if (strcmp(_param, "mqttenable") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { int _tmp; if (confMqtt.mqtt_enable) _tmp = 1; else _tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.mqttEnable: %d", PGMStr_confMqtt, _tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "mqtthost") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.mqttHost: '%s'", PGMStr_confMqtt, confMqtt.mqtt_server); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "mqttport") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.mqttPort: %d", PGMStr_confMqtt, confMqtt.mqtt_port); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "mqttuser") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.mqttUser: '%s'", PGMStr_confMqtt, confSecrets.mqtt_user); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "mqttpass") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.mqttPass: '%s'", PGMStr_confMqtt, confSecrets.mqtt_pass); #else sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.mqttPass: '****'", PGMStr_confMqtt); #endif sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "intop") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.inTop: '%s'", PGMStr_confMqtt, confMqtt.mqtt_topic_in); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "outtop") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.outTop: '%s'", PGMStr_confMqtt, confMqtt.mqtt_topic_out); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "outret") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { int _tmp; if (confMqtt.mqtt_outRetain) _tmp = 1; else _tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.outRet: %d", PGMStr_confMqtt, _tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "outretsens") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { int _tmp; if (confMqtt.mqtt_outRetain_sensors) _tmp = 1; else _tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.outRetSens: %d", PGMStr_confMqtt, _tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "outpubint") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.outPubInt: %d", PGMStr_confMqtt, confMqtt.mqtt_outPubInterval); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "outpubintsens") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.outPubIntSens: %d", PGMStr_confMqtt, confMqtt.mqtt_outPubInterval_sensors); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "willtop") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.willTop: '%s'", PGMStr_confMqtt, confMqtt.mqtt_willTopic); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "willqos") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.willQos: %d", PGMStr_confMqtt, confMqtt.mqtt_willQos); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "willret") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { int _tmp; if (confMqtt.mqtt_willRetain) _tmp = 1; else _tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.willRet: %d", PGMStr_confMqtt, _tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "willmsg") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.willMsg: '%s'", PGMStr_confMqtt, confMqtt.mqtt_willMsg); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "connmsg") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.connMsg: '%s'", PGMStr_confMqtt, confMqtt.mqtt_connMsg); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "hbenable") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { int _tmp; if (confMqtt.mqtt_enable_heartbeat) _tmp = 1; else _tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.hbEnable: %d", PGMStr_confMqtt, _tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "hbreconn") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.hbReconn: %d", PGMStr_confMqtt, confMqtt.mqtt_heartbeat_maxage_reconnect); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "hbreboot") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.hbReboot: %d", PGMStr_confMqtt, confMqtt.mqtt_heartbeat_maxage_reboot); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "reconsilent") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_MQTT) { int _tmp; if (confMqtt.mqtt_reconnect_silent) _tmp = 1; else _tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.reconSilent: %d", PGMStr_confMqtt, _tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } //confMqtt // confSens if (strcmp(_param, "measint") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_SENS) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.measInt: %d", PGMStr_confSens, confSens.measureInterval); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "tempcorr") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_SENS) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.tempCorr: %1.2f", PGMStr_confThermAdv, confSens.DHT_tempCorrVal); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "humcorr") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_SENS) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.humCorr: %d", PGMStr_confThermAdv, confSens.DHT_humCorrVal); sendLog(logBuf); } // confSens // confDisplay if (strcmp(_param, "dispint") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DISPLAY) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.dispInt: %d", PGMStr_confDisplay, confDisplay.displayInterval); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "disptout") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DISPLAY) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.dispTout: %d", PGMStr_confDisplay, confDisplay.displayTimeout); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "pirendisp") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_DISPLAY) { int tmp; if (confDisplay.PIRenablesDisplay) tmp = 1; else tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.pirEnDisp: %d", PGMStr_confDisplay, tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } // confDisplay // confAdd if (strcmp(_param, "outtemptop") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_ADD) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.outTempTop: '%s'", PGMStr_confAdd, confAdd.outTemp_topic_in); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "outhumtop") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_ADD) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.outHumTop: '%s'", PGMStr_confAdd, confAdd.outHum_topic_in); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "pirtop") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_ADD) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.PIRTop: '%s'", PGMStr_confAdd, confAdd.mqtt_topic_pir); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "pironpld") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_ADD) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.PIROnPld: '%s'", PGMStr_confAdd, confAdd.mqtt_payload_pir_on); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "piroffpld") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_ADD) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.PIROffPld: '%s'", PGMStr_confAdd, confAdd.mqtt_payload_pir_off); sendLog(logBuf); } // confAdd #ifdef ENABLE_FEATURE_NTP_TIME // confTime if (strcmp(_param, "tzstr") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_TIME) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.TZstr: '%s'", PGMStr_confTime, confTime.timeZoneStr); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "ntpenable") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_TIME) { int tmp; if (confTime.ntpEnable) tmp = 1; else tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.ntpEnable: %d", PGMStr_confTime, tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "ntpserver1") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_TIME) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.ntpServer1: '%s'", PGMStr_confTime, confTime.ntpServer1); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "ntpserver2") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_TIME) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.ntpServer2: '%s'", PGMStr_confTime, confTime.ntpServer2); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "ntpsyncint") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_TIME) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.ntpSyncInt: %lu", PGMStr_confTime, confTime.ntpSyncInterval / 60); sendLog(logBuf); } // confTime #endif // ENABLE_FEATURE_NTP_TIME // confLog if (strcmp(_param, "loglevser") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_LOG) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.logLevSer: %d", PGMStr_confLog, confLog.logLevelSerial); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "loglevweb") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_LOG) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.logLevWeb: %d", PGMStr_confLog, confLog.logLevelWeb); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "loglevmqtt") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_LOG) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.logLevMqtt: %d", PGMStr_confLog, confLog.logLevelMqtt); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "logwebrequests") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_LOG) { int tmp; if (confLog.logWebRequests) tmp = 1; else tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.logWebRequests: %d", PGMStr_confLog, tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } // confLog #ifdef FIRMWARE_VARIANT_THERMOSTAT // Thermostat - Values if (strcmp(_param, "temp") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM_VALUES) { snprintf(logBuf, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE, "THERM_setTemp: %2.1f", thermostat_setTemp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "templow") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM_VALUES) { snprintf(logBuf, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE, "THERM_setTempLow: %2.1f", thermostat_setTempLow); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "templow2") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM_VALUES) { snprintf(logBuf, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE, "THERM_setTempLow2: %2.1f", thermostat_setTempLow2); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "mode") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM_VALUES) { snprintf(logBuf, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE, "THERM_heatingMode: %d", thermostat_heatingMode); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "preset") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM_VALUES) { snprintf(logBuf, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE, "THERM_preset: %d", thermostat_preset); sendLog(logBuf); } // confTherm if (strcmp(_param, "autosavetemp") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { int tmp; if (confTherm.autoSaveSetTemp) tmp = 1; else tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.autoSaveTemp: %d", PGMStr_confTherm, tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "autosavemode") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { int tmp; if (confTherm.autoSaveHeatingMode) tmp = 1; else tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.autoSaveMode: %d", PGMStr_confTherm, tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "savetomqttret") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { int tmp; if (confTherm.saveToMqttRetained) tmp = 1; else tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.savetoMqttRet: %d", PGMStr_confTherm, tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "tempmin") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.tempMin: '%2.1f'", PGMStr_confTherm, confTherm.setTempMin); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "tempmax") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.tempMax: '%2.1f'", PGMStr_confTherm, confTherm.setTempMax); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "pirendispps0") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { int tmp; if (confTherm.PIRenablesDisplay_preset0only) tmp = 1; else tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.pirEnDispPs0: %d", PGMStr_confTherm, tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "togthdisp") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { int tmp; if (confTherm.togglingTempHumAIDisplay) tmp = 1; else tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.togTHdisp: %d", PGMStr_confTherm, tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "minofftime") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.minOffTime: %d", PGMStr_confTherm, confTherm.heatingMinOffTime); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "tempdec") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.tempDec: %1.2f", PGMStr_confTherm, confTherm.setTempDecreaseVal); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "hyst") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.hyst: %1.2f", PGMStr_confTherm, confTherm.hysteresis); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "offmsg") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.offMsg: '%s'", PGMStr_confTherm, confTherm.offMessage); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "modename0") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.modeName0: '%s'", PGMStr_confTherm, confTherm.modeName0); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "modename1") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.modeName1: '%s'", PGMStr_confTherm, confTherm.modeName1); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "psetname0") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.psetName0: '%s'", PGMStr_confTherm, confTherm.psetName0); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "psetname1") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.psetName1: '%s'", PGMStr_confTherm, confTherm.psetName1); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "psetname2") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.psetName2: '%s'", PGMStr_confTherm, confTherm.psetName2); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "itemplab") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.iTempLab: '%s'", PGMStr_confTherm, confTherm.iTempLabel); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "otemplab") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.oTempLab: '%s'", PGMStr_confTherm, confTherm.oTempLabel); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "pausetout") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_THERM) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.pauseTout: %d", PGMStr_confTherm, confTherm.pauseTout); sendLog(logBuf); } // confTherm #endif //FIRMWARE_VARIANT_THERMOSTAT #ifdef FIRMWARE_VARIANT_HEATCONTROL // confHeatc if (strcmp(_param, "heatc") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_HEATC) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.heatCurve: [%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d]", PGMStr_confHeatc, confHeatc.heatCurve[0], confHeatc.heatCurve[1], confHeatc.heatCurve[2], confHeatc.heatCurve[3], confHeatc.heatCurve[4], confHeatc.heatCurve[5], confHeatc.heatCurve[6], confHeatc.heatCurve[7], confHeatc.heatCurve[8]); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "heatl") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_HEATC) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.heatLocktime: [%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d]", PGMStr_confHeatc, confHeatc.heatLocktime[0], confHeatc.heatLocktime[1], confHeatc.heatLocktime[2], confHeatc.heatLocktime[3], confHeatc.heatLocktime[4], confHeatc.heatLocktime[5], confHeatc.heatLocktime[6], confHeatc.heatLocktime[7], confHeatc.heatLocktime[8]); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "pumpnl") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_HEATC) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.pumpBacklash: %d", PGMStr_confHeatc, confHeatc.pumpBacklash); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "heatusehc") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_HEATC) { int tmp; if (confHeatc.useHeatCurve) tmp = 1; else tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.useHeatCurve: %d", PGMStr_confHeatc, tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "heatforcehc") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_HEATC) { int tmp; if (confHeatc.forceHeatCurve) tmp = 1; else tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.forceHeatCurve: %d", PGMStr_confHeatc, tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "heatcvhy0") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_HEATC) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.hystereseOff: %d", PGMStr_confHeatc, confHeatc.hystereseOff); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "heatcvhy1") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_HEATC) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.hystereseOn: %d", PGMStr_confHeatc, confHeatc.hystereseOn); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "heattempfeedlimit") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_HEATC) { sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.tempFeedLimit: %d", PGMStr_confHeatc, confHeatc.tempFeedLimit); sendLog(logBuf); } if (strcmp(_param, "heatforcehcalsoon") == 0 || _isConfPage == CONFPAGE_HEATC) { int tmp; if (confHeatc.forceHeatCurveAlsoForSwitchOn) tmp = 1; else tmp = 0; sprintf_P(logBuf, "%s.forceHeatCurveAlsoForSwitchOn: %d", PGMStr_confHeatc, tmp); sendLog(logBuf); } // confHeatc #endif // FIRMWARE_VARIANT_HEATCONTROL } // getConfig()