PROGMEM const char PGMStr_FIRMWARE_NAME[] = FIRMWARE_NAME; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_FIRMWARE_VERSION[] = FIRMWARE_VERSION; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_FIRMWARE_URL[] = FIRMWARE_URL; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_FIRMWARE_COPYRIGHT[] = FIRMWARE_COPYRIGHT; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_FIRMWARE_COPYRIGHT_URL[] = FIRMWARE_COPYRIGHT_URL; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_FIRMWARE_SHORTNAME[] = FIRMWARE_SHORTNAME; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_changedTo[] = "changed to"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_preset[] = "preset"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_heatingMode[] = "heatingMode"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_heatingPause[] = "heatingPause"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_setTemp[] = "setTemp"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_currentSetTemp[] = "currSetTemp"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_setTempLow[] = "setTempLow"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_setTempLow2[] = "setTempLow2"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_switchHeating[] = "switch heating"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_mqttRetainedSave[] = "MQTT retained save"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_heating[] = "heating"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_thermostat[] = "THST"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_WiFi[] = "WiFi"; //PROGMEM const char PGMStr_connectedTo[] = "connected to"; //PROGMEM const char PGMStr_withIP[] = "with IP"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_MQTT[] = "MQTT"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_connectedTo[] = "connected to"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_reconnects[] = "reconnects"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_connectedFailed[] = "connect FAILED"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_enabled[] = "enabled"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_disabled[] = "disabled"; PROGMEM const char compile_date[] = __DATE__ " " __TIME__; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_confDevWiFi[] = "confDevWiFi"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_confWeb[] = "confWeb"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_confMqtt[] = "confMqtt"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_confAdd[] = "confAdd"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_confTime[] = "confTime"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_confLog[] = "confLog"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_confSens[] = "confSens"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_confDisplay[] = "confDisplay"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_confTherm[] = "confTherm"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_confThermAdv[] = "confThermAdv"; //const char PGMStr_delimiter[] PROGMEM = "--------"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_MQTTState_DIS[] = "DISABLED"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_MQTTState_M4[] = "CONNECTION_TIMEOUT"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_MQTTState_M3[] = "CONNECTION_LOST"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_MQTTState_M2[] = "CONNECT_FAILED"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_MQTTState_M1[] = "DISCONNECTED"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_MQTTState_0[] = "CONNECTED"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_MQTTState_1[] = "CONNECT_BAD_PROTOCOL"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_MQTTState_2[] = "CONNECT_BAD_CLIENT_ID"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_MQTTState_3[] = "CONNECT_UNAVAILABLE"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_MQTTState_4[] = "CONNECT_BAD_CREDENTIALS"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_MQTTState_5[] = "CONNECT_UNAUTHORIZED"; PROGMEM const char *const PGMStr_MQTTStates[] = { PGMStr_MQTTState_M4, PGMStr_MQTTState_M3, PGMStr_MQTTState_M2, PGMStr_MQTTState_M1, PGMStr_MQTTState_0, PGMStr_MQTTState_1, PGMStr_MQTTState_2, PGMStr_MQTTState_3, PGMStr_MQTTState_4, PGMStr_MQTTState_5, }; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_WEB_DEBUGBUILD[] = " DEBUG BUILD"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_web_setConf[] = "WEB setConf: '%s' => '%s'"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_safeConf_configFileWritten[] = "CONF: config file '%s' written."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_safeConf_configFileWriteError[] = "CONF: ERROR - failed to open file '%s' for writing."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_loadConf_ErrorOpenFile[] = "ERR: Failed to open file '%s'."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_loadConf_FileNotExist[] = "CONF: could not restore from file '%s' - does not exist."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_loadConf_restoredConf[] = "CONF: restored config from file '%s', size=%d"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_loadConf_storedSecrets_EEPROM[] = "CONF: stored secrets to EEPROM."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_loadConf_errorStoreSecrets_EEPROM[] = "CONF: ERROR storing secrets to EEPROM."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_loadConf_restoredSecrets_EEPROM[] = "CONF: restored secrets from EEPROM. %d bytes read."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_loadConf_restoredSecrets_fillUp_EEPROM[] = "CONF: 'secrets' size in EEPROM was %d bytes smaller than the data struct."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_loadConf_errorRestoreSecrets_EEPROM[] = "CONF: ERROR restoring secrets from EEPROM. %d bytes stored but confSecrets struct has a size of %d."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_loadConf_errorRestoreSecretsExceedSize_EEPROM[] = "CONF: ERROR restoring secrets from EEPROM. Stored bytes exceed EEPROM_SIZE."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_loadConf_encryptedSecretsLoaded[] = "CONF: encrypted secrets loaded."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_secretsEncrypted[] = "CONF: secrets are encrypted."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_secretsNotEncrypted[] = "CONF: secrets are NOT encrypted."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_encryptingSecrets[] = "CONF: encrypting secrets..."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_encryptingSecretsDone[] = "CONF: secrets encryption DONE"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_alreadyEncrypted[] = "CONF: already encrypted"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_encryptionOff[] = "CONF: switching secrets encryption off..."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_encryptionOffDone[] = "CONF: secrets encryption is now turned off. all credentials were deleted. please re-enter WiFi credentials before reboot!"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_pendingConfChanges[] = "CONF: pending config changes. Execute 'saveconf' to save or 'loadconf' to discard."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_restartRequired[] = "CONF: config changes require restart. Remember 'saveconf' before!"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_mqttReconnectRequired[] = "CONF: MQTT config changes require connection reset -> will be done automatically on 'saveconf'."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_clearedWifiCreds[] = "CONF: cleared WiFi credentials."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_clearedCreds[] = "CONF: cleared credentials."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_save_nothingChanged[] = "CONF: nothing changed. Use saveconf /f to force."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_saveToFS_done[] = "CONF: saving to FS... DONE"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_saving[] = "CONF: saving..."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_loading[] = "CONF: loading configuration..."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_loading_done[] = "CONF: loading configuration... DONE"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_deleting[] = "CONF: deleting configuration..."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_setConf[] = "CONF: '%s' set to '%s'"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_setConf_unknownParamName[] = "CONF: ERROR - setConf - unknown parameter name '%s'."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_conf_defaultsLoaded[] = "CONF: default config loaded."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_commands_encrypt[] = "WARNING: Secrets encryption cannot be reverted. All credentials will be deleted,"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_commands_encrypt2[] = "when the feature is switched off again. Use encrypt /y to proceed."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_commands_decrypt[] = "Secrets decryption is not implemented for security reasons."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_commands_encryptoff[] = "Use 'encryptoff /y' to disable encryption. WARNING: All credentials will be deleted!"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_filesystem_formatting[] = "FS: formatting - please wait 30 secs..."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_filesystem_formatComplete[] = "FS: format complete."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_filesystem_formatFailed[] = "FS: ERROR - formatting failed."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_filesystem_mounting[] = "FS: mounting..."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_filesystem_mounting_error[] = "FS: Failed to mount LittleFS."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_filesystem_ls[] = "FS: ls"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_filesystem_ls_info[] = "FS: used: %d, total: %d"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_filesystem_del[] = "FS: deleted file '%s'"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_filesystem_del_error[] = "FS: ERROR - could not delete file '%s'"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_filesystem_ren[] = "FS: renamed file '%s' to '%s'"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_filesystem_uploadStarted[] = "FS: FileUpload started. Filename: %s"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_filesystem_uploadFinished[] = "FS: FileUpload finished. total received size: %d"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_filesystem_uploadFailed[] = "FS: FileUpload FAILED. total received size: %d"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_filesystem_error_notFound[] = "FS: ERROR - file '%s' not found"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_console_line_hr[] = "------------------------------"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_setup_APmode_started[] = "%s: AP-MODE started, SSID: %s, PW: %s"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_setup_APmode_stopped[] = "%s: AP-MODE stopped"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_setup_APmode_openNet[] = "%s: AP-MODE configured with SSID: %s, open network"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_setup_APmode_withPassword[] = "%s: AP-MODE configured with SSID: %s, PW: %s"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_system_setupComplete[] = "SYS: setup complete."; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_ON[] = "ON"; PROGMEM const char PGMStr_OFF[] = "OFF";