This library makes working with buttons easy.
Easily handle button events such as onPress
, onHold
, onHoldRepeat
and onRelease
. The same callback functions can be used with multiple buttons, helping to keep your code cleaner and more manageable.
Swap button types whenever you want - there's currently 3 supported types -
but it is easy to create your own.
Here's some basic examples to show you just how easy using this library is!
#include <Button.h>
#include <ButtonEventCallback.h>
#include <BasicButton.h>
// Create an instance of BasicButton reading digital pin 5
BasicButton button = BasicButton(5);
void setup(){
// When the button is first pressed, call the function onButtonPressed
void loop(){
// Check the state of the button
void onButtonPressed(Button& btn){
// The button was pressed - do something!
#include <Button.h>
#include <ButtonEventCallback.h>
#include <BasicButton.h>
// Create an instance of BasicButton reading digital pin 5
BasicButton button = BasicButton(5);
void setup(){
// Open up the serial port so that we can write to it
// When the button is first pressed, call the function onButtonPressed
// Once the button has been held for 1 second (1000ms) call onButtonHeld. Call it again every 0.5s (500ms) until it is let go
button.onHoldRepeat(1000, 500, onButtonHeld);
// When the button is released, call onButtonReleased
void loop(){
// Check the state of the button
// btn is a reference to the button that fired the event. That means you can use the same event handler for many buttons
void onButtonPressed(Button& btn){
Serial.println("button pressed");
// duration reports back how long it has been since the button was originally pressed.
// repeatCount tells us how many times this function has been called by this button.
void onButtonHeld(Button& btn, uint16_t duration, uint16_t repeatCount){
Serial.print("button has been held for ");
Serial.print(" ms; this event has been fired ");
Serial.println(" times");
// duration reports back the total time that the button was held down
void onButtonReleased(Button& btn, uint16_t duration){
Serial.print("button released after ");
Serial.println(" ms");
A simple push button debounced using the Bounce library
Check out the examples!
A capacitive touch button utilising the CapSense library
Check out the examples!
A capacitive touch button utilising the MPR121 touch switch IC
Check out the examples!
A simple button using digitalRead() to determine the state of the button. Does not perform any kind of debouncing, so false positives and multiple calls are likely. Use PushButton instead for a simple button.
This is only included so that you can get an example up-and-running quickly without needing any other dependencies.
Update the button state - this will call any callbacks that are necessary. Returns true
if the state changes.
Return whether or not the button is the same as the btn
Return whether or not the button is currently pressed.
c++ void callThisFunctionOnPress(Button& btn){ // btn is a reference to the button that was pressed. }
### ```CallbackAttachedResponse onRelease```
There are 3 variations of onRelease:
#### ```CallbackAttachedResponse onRelease(onReleaseCallbackFunction)```
onReleaseCallbackFunction``` is a function which is called when the button is released. It must be defined with the parameters shown below
void callThisFunctionOnRelease(Button& btn, uint_16t duration){
// btn is a reference to the button that was pressed
// duration is how long the button was pressed for
As above, plus:
#### ```CallbackAttachedResponse onRelease(uint_16t wait, uint_16t max_wait, onReleaseCallbackFunction)```
As above, plus:
max_waitif the button is held for more than
onReleaseCallbackFunction``` will not be called.
onHoldCallbackFunction``` is a function which is called when the button is held. It must be defined with the parameters shown below
void callThisFuntionOnHold(Button& btn, uint_16t duration){
// btn is a reference to the button that was held
// duration is how long the button was held for
CallbackAttachedResponse onHoldAndRepeat(uint_16t duration, uint_16t repeat_every, onHoldAndRepeatCallbackFunction)
repeat_everyhow long to wait before
onHoldAndRepeatCallbackFunction``` is called repeatedly.
c++ void callThisFunctionOnHoldAndRepeat(Button& btn, uint16_t duration, uint8_t repeat_count){ // btn is a reference to the button that was held // duration is how long the button has been held for // repeat_count is the number of times the callback has been called }
## Enums
### ```CallbackAttachedResponse```
attSuccessful``` returned when a callback has successfully been attached
returned when a callback could not be attached because there is not enough room. Check MAX_CALLBACKS_PER_BUTTON
Defines the maximum number of callbacks per button. Increasing this number will allow more callbacks but will use marginally more memory and processing power. This can be changed on a sketch by sketch basis, simply define #MAX_CALLBACKS_PER_BUTTON
before your #include