1.2 KB

name: 😭 Help! about: Ask for help title: '' labels: 'question'

assignees: ''

Describe the issue
A clear and concise description of what you're trying to do. You don't need to explain every aspect of your project: focus on the problem you're having.

Troubleshooter report
Here is the report generated by the ArduinoJson Troubleshooter:
[Paste the report here]

Here is the environment that I'm using':

  • Microconroller: [e.g. ESP8266]
  • Core/runtime: [e.g. ESP8266 core for Arduino v3.0.2]
  • IDE: [e.g. Arduino IDE 1.8.16]

Here is a small snippet that demonstrate the problem.

DynamicJsonDocument doc(1024);

DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, "{\"hello\":\"world\"}");

// insert code here

Program output
If relevant, include the program output.

Expected output:

[insert expected output here]

Actual output:

[insert actual output here]