" . $ini ['app_title'] . ""; if (isset ( $_POST ['user'] )) { $username = $_POST ['user']; $passwd = $_POST ['pwd']; if ($use_metadata) { $meta_model = new meta_model (); $meta_model->user = $username; $meta_model->email = $_POST ['email']; $meta_model->name = $_POST ['name']; $meta_model->mailkey = random_password(16); } if (! check_username ( $username ) || ! check_password_quality ( $passwd )) { ?>
User " . htmlspecialchars ( $username ) . " is invalid!.

"; } else { ?>
user_exists ( $username )) { $htpasswd->user_add ( $username, $passwd ); echo "

User " . htmlspecialchars ( $username ) . " created.

"; } else { $htpasswd->user_update ( $username, $passwd ); echo "

User " . htmlspecialchars ( $username ) . " changed.

"; } if ($use_metadata) { if (! $htpasswd->meta_exists ( $username )) { $htpasswd->meta_add ( $meta_model ); } else { $htpasswd->meta_update ( $meta_model ); } } } ?>

Create or update user:


get_users (); if ($use_metadata) { $meta_map = $htpasswd->get_metadata (); } include_once ("includes/user_table.php"); ?>

Create new users for the htpasswd file here. A user can change his/her password with this self service link.
You can fill the username in the form if you add the url parameter user=<username>