use_metadata = $use_metadata; if (! file_exists ( $htaccessfile )) { $bdfp = fopen ( $htaccessfile, 'w' ); $htaccess_content = "AuthType Basic\nAuthName \"Password Protected Area\"\nAuthUserFile \"" . $htpasswdfile . "\"\nRequire valid-user" . "\nOrder deny,allow\nDeny from all\n"; fwrite ( $bdfp, $htaccess_content ); } @$this->fp = @$this::open_or_create ( $htpasswdfile ); if ($use_metadata) { $htmetafile = $path . "/" . self::HTMETA_NAME; @$this->metafp = @$this::open_or_create ( $htmetafile ); $this->metafilename = $htmetafile; } $this->filename = $htpasswdfile; } function user_exists($username) { return self::exists ( @$this->fp, $username ); } function meta_exists($username) { return self::exists ( @$this->metafp, $username ); } function meta_find_user_for_mail($email) { while ( ! feof ( $this->metafp ) && $meta = explode ( ":", $line = rtrim ( fgets ( $this->metafp ) ) ) ) { if (count ( $meta ) > 1) { $username = trim ( $meta [0] ); $lemail = $meta [1]; if ($lemail == $email) { return $username; } } } return null; } function get_metadata() { rewind ( $this->metafp ); $meta_model_map = array (); $metaarr = array (); while ( ! feof ( $this->metafp ) && $line = rtrim ( fgets ( $this->metafp ) ) ) { $metaarr = explode ( ":", $line ); $model = new meta_model (); $model->user = $metaarr [0]; if (count ( $metaarr ) > 1) { $model->email = $metaarr [1]; } if (count ( $metaarr ) > 2) { $model->name = $metaarr [2]; } if (count ( $metaarr ) > 3) { $model->mailkey = $metaarr [3]; } $meta_model_map [$model->user] = $model; } return $meta_model_map; } function get_users() { rewind ( $this->fp ); $users = array (); $i = 0; while ( ! feof ( $this->fp ) && trim ( $lusername = array_shift ( explode ( ":", $line = rtrim ( fgets ( $this->fp ) ) ) ) ) ) { $users [$i] = $lusername; $i ++; } return $users; } function user_add($username, $password) { if ($this->user_exists ( $username )) return false; fseek ( $this->fp, 0, SEEK_END ); fwrite ( $this->fp, $username . ':' . self::htcrypt ( $password ) . "\n" ); return true; } function meta_add(meta_model $meta_model) { if (self::exists ( @$this->metafp, $meta_model->user )) { return false; } fseek ( $this->metafp, 0, SEEK_END ); fwrite ( $this->metafp, $meta_model->user . ':' . $meta_model->email . ':' . $meta_model->name . ':' . $meta_model->mailkey . "\n" ); return true; } /** * Login check * first 2 characters of hash is the salt. * * @param user $username * @param pass $password * @return boolean true if password is correct! */ function user_check($username, $password) { rewind ( $this->fp ); while ( ! feof ( $this->fp ) && $userpass = explode ( ":", $line = rtrim ( fgets ( $this->fp ) ) ) ) { $lusername = trim ( $userpass [0] ); $hash = $userpass [1]; if ($lusername == $username) { return (self::check_password_hash ( $password, $hash )); } } return false; } function user_delete($username) { return self::delete ( @$this->fp, $username, @$this->filename ); } function meta_delete($username) { return self::delete ( @$this->metafp, $username, @$this->metafilename ); } function user_update($username, $password) { rewind ( $this->fp ); while ( ! feof ( $this->fp ) && trim ( $lusername = array_shift ( explode ( ":", $line = rtrim ( fgets ( $this->fp ) ) ) ) ) ) { if ($lusername == $username) { fseek ( $this->fp, (- 15 - strlen ( $username )), SEEK_CUR ); fwrite ( $this->fp, $username . ':' . self::htcrypt ( $password ) . "\n" ); return true; } } return false; } function meta_update(meta_model $meta_model) { $this->meta_delete ( $meta_model->user ); $this->meta_add ( $meta_model ); return false; } static function write_meta_line($fp, meta_model $meta_model) { fwrite ( $fp, $meta_model->user . ':' . $meta_model->email . ':' . $meta_model->name . "\n" ); } static function exists($fp, $username) { rewind ( $fp ); while ( ! feof ( $fp ) && trim ( $lusername = array_shift ( explode ( ":", $line = rtrim ( fgets ( $fp ) ) ) ) ) ) { if ($lusername == $username) return true; } return false; } static function open_or_create($filename) { if (! file_exists ( $filename )) { return fopen ( $filename, 'w+' ); } else { return fopen ( $filename, 'r+' ); } } static function delete($fp, $username, $filename) { $data = ''; rewind ( $fp ); while ( ! feof ( $fp ) && trim ( $lusername = array_shift ( explode ( ":", $line = rtrim ( fgets ( $fp ) ) ) ) ) ) { if (! trim ( $line )) break; if ($lusername != $username) $data .= $line . "\n"; } $fp = fopen ( $filename, 'w' ); fwrite ( $fp, rtrim ( $data ) . (trim ( $data ) ? "\n" : '') ); fclose ( $fp ); $fp = fopen ( $filename, 'r+' ); return true; } static function htcrypt($password) { return crypt ( $password, substr ( str_replace ( '+', '.', base64_encode ( pack ( 'N4', mt_rand (), mt_rand (), mt_rand (), mt_rand () ) ) ), 0, 22 ) ); } static function check_password_hash($password, $hash) { $salt = substr ( $hash, 0, 2 ); if (crypt ( $password, $salt ) == $hash) { return true; } else { return false; } } } ?>