#!/usr/bin/python -u # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # import serial import time import os import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt #import json #import math #import numpy as np #import httplib verbosemode = False def touch(fname, times=None): with open(fname, 'a'): os.utime(fname, times) def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): print("MQTT connected with result code " + str(rc)) #client.subscribe("wetter/atemp") def on_disconnect(client, userdata, rc): if rc != 0: print "Unexpected MQTT disconnection. Will auto-reconnect" #def on_message(client, userdata, msg): # #print(msg.topic + " " + str(msg.payload)) # global atemp # atemp = msg.payload minUpdateInterval = 60 mqtt_topic_prefix = "LaCrosse" override_updateinterval_on_change = False atemp_sensor_idx = 94 sensors = {} sensors_idx = {} with open("/home/pi/jeelink_sensors.csv", "r") as sensorscsv: for line in sensorscsv: if line.find('ID,DomoticzIdx,Name') == -1: # nur Zeilen die nicht der header sind sind interessant line = line.strip('\r') line = line.strip('\n') parts = line.split(',') sensorId = parts[0] domoticzIdx = parts[1] sensorName = parts[2] sensors[str(sensorId)] = str(sensorName) sensors_idx[str(sensorId)] = str(domoticzIdx) mqttc = mqtt.Client() mqttc.on_connect = on_connect mqttc.on_disconnect = on_disconnect ##mqttc.on_message = on_message mqttc.connect("", 1883, 60) mqttc.loop_start() #mqttc.loop_forever() ser = serial.Serial(port='/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AL01MYTF-if00-port0', baudrate = 57600, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout=1) #sensors = {'4':'Arbeitszimmer','16':'AussenGarten','60':'AussenParkplatz','50':'Bad','39':'Balkon','55':'Kueche','40':'Schlafzimmer'} #sensors_idx = {'4':'1','16':'94','60':'113','50':'4','39':'88','55':'6','40':'3'} if verbosemode: print sensors print sensors_idx sensors_lastTemp = {} sensors_lastHum = {} sensors_lastUpdate = {} try: while True: msg_was_sent = 0 #clear serial buffer to remove junk and noise ser.flushInput() #read buffer until cr/lf serLine = ser.readline() if(serLine): #print (repr(serLine)) #Echo the serial buffer bytes up to the CRLF back to screen serLine = serLine.strip('\r') serLine = serLine.strip('\n') if verbosemode: print serLine if serLine.find('OK 9') != -1: # uns interessieren nur reinkommende Zeilen die mit "OK 9 " beginnen # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # OK 9 ID XXX XXX XXX XXX # | | | | | | | # | | | | | | --- Humidity incl. WeakBatteryFlag # | | | | | |------ Temp * 10 + 1000 LSB # | | | | |---------- Temp * 10 + 1000 MSB # | | | |-------------- Sensor type (1 or 2) +128 if NewBatteryFlag # | | |----------------- Sensor ID # | |------------------- fix "9" # |---------------------- fix "OK" bytes = serLine.split(' ') #addr = bytes[2] #addr = "{0:x}".format(int(bytes[2])) #addr = hex((int(bytes[2]))) addr = int(bytes[2]) addrhex = "{0:x}".format(int(bytes[2])) currentsensor_name = sensors.get(str(addr), None) #if currentsensor_name == 0: if currentsensor_name is None: fname = '/home/pi/logs/jeelink_unknown_sensor_' + str(addr) try: touch(fname) except: # guat dann hoit ned... pass if verbosemode: print "unknown sensor ID " + str(addr) temp = (int(bytes[4])*256 + int(bytes[5]) - 1000)/10.0 print "Temp: " + str(temp) lastUpdate = sensors_lastUpdate.get(str(addr), None) lastTemp = sensors_lastTemp.get(str(addr), None) lastHum = sensors_lastHum.get(str(addr), None) currentsensor_idx = sensors_idx.get(str(addr),None) senddata = False if currentsensor_idx is not None: if override_updateinterval_on_change: if lastTemp != str(temp) or lastHum != str(hum): senddata = True #print "hier! " + str(temp) + " != " + str(lastTemp) + " " + str(hum) + " != " + str(lastHum) if lastUpdate is not None: timediff = int(time.time()) - lastUpdate if timediff >= minUpdateInterval: senddata = True #print "do!" else: senddata = True if senddata: if int(bytes[3]) >= 128: batt_new = 1 type = int(bytes[3]) - 128 else: batt_new = 0 type = int(bytes[3]) temp = (int(bytes[4])*256 + int(bytes[5]) - 1000)/10.0 if int(bytes[6]) >= 128: batt_low = 1 hum = int(bytes[6]) - 128 else: batt_low = 0 hum = int(bytes[6]) if hum > 100: hum = 100 if batt_low == 0: batterystate = "ok" else: batterystate = "low" sensors_lastUpdate[str(addr)] = int(time.time()) sensors_lastTemp[str(addr)] = str(temp) sensors_lastHum[str(addr)] = str(hum) if int(currentsensor_idx) == atemp_sensor_idx: mqttc.publish("wetter/atemp", str(temp), qos=2, retain=True) mqttc.publish("wetter/ahum", str(hum), qos=2, retain=True) domoticz_json = "{\"idx\":" + str(currentsensor_idx) + ",\"nvalue\":0,\"svalue\":\"" + str(temp) + ";" + str(hum) + ";1\"}" if verbosemode: print domoticz_json mqttc.publish("domoticz/in", domoticz_json, qos=2, retain=False) mqttc.publish(mqtt_topic_prefix+"/"+str(currentsensor_name)+"/temperature", str(temp), qos=2, retain=True) mqttc.publish(mqtt_topic_prefix+"/"+str(currentsensor_name)+"/humidity", str(hum), qos=2, retain=True) mqttc.publish(mqtt_topic_prefix+"/"+str(currentsensor_name)+"/battery", str(batterystate), qos=2, retain=True) if verbosemode: print "addr: " + str(addr) + " = 0x" + str(addrhex) + " batt_new: " + str(batt_new) + " type: " + str(type) + " batt_low: " + str(batt_low) + " temp: " + str(temp) + " hum: " + str(hum) + " Name: " + str(currentsensor_name) try: touch("/tmp/jeelink2mqtt_running") except: # guat dann ned... pass except KeyboardInterrupt, e: print('\n')