[main] publish_on_mqtt = True store_in_influxdb = True sensors_config_yml = jeelinklog_sensors.yml influx_config_yml = jeelinklog_influxdb.yml log_path = /home/pi/logs/jeelinklog logfile_new_sensors = jeelink_new_sensors.log [jeelink] serialport = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AL01MYTF-if00-port0 baudrate = 57600 initTimeout = 2 # JeeLink Init Command # a set to 0 if the blue LED bothers # f initial frequency in kHz (5 kHz steps, 860480 ... 879515) (for RFM #1) # F initial frequency in kHz (5 kHz steps, 860480 ... 879515) (for RFM #2) # h altituide above sea level # m bits 1: 17.241 kbps, 2 : 9.579 kbps, 4 : 8.842 kbps (for RFM #1) # M bits 1: 17.241 kbps, 2 : 9.579 kbps, 4 : 8.842 kbps (for RFM #2) # r use one of the possible data rates (for RFM #1) # R use one of the possible data rates (for RFM #2) # t 0=no toggle, else interval in seconds (for RFM #1) # T 0=no toggle, else interval in seconds (for RFM #2) # v show version # y if 1 all received packets will be retransmitted (Relay mode) # init cmd for TX29 AND TX35 sensors (17.241 and 9.579 kbps, toggle every 30s) initCmd = 30t 3m v # init cmd for TX29 sensors only (17.241 kbps, no toggle) #initCmd = 0t 1m v [mqtt] enable = True server = port = 1883 user = password = # topic prefix topic_prefix = LaCrosse topic_prefix_outside_temphum = wetter/atemphum # additional single topics for outside temp/hum topic_outside_temp = wetter/atemp topic_outside_hum = wetter/ahum topic_outside_dew = wetter/dewpoint topic_outside_abshum = wetter/abshum # topic for notifications (low battery, new sensor found...) subtopic_notify = NOTIFY publish_unknown_sensors = False publish_unknown_new_sensors = True [sensors] # average sensor values - average over that many received readings average_value_steps = 5 # discard measurements that are off more than this max_off_value = 2.0 # ignore off values after this timeout and proceed with them ignore_off_value_timeout = 60 # interval in s to report data via MQTT publish_interval = 60 # interval in s to store data in InfluxDB store_interval = 300 # interval in s to report data via MQTT for combined outside sensor publish_interval_outside = 120 # interval in s to store data in InfluxDB for combined outside sensor store_interval_outside = 300 # maximum age of sensor data in s - if the newest sensor data is older than that the sensor is considered "offline" data_maxage = 600 # calculate dewpoint and abs. humidity (applies to all sensors) calculate_dewpoint = True calculate_absolute_humidity = True # and write this also to InfluxDB write_dewpoint_to_influxdb = True write_abshum_to_influxdb = True # combined outside sensors handling # Use median rather than average value. # Only useful if more than 2 outside sensors are used. outside_sensors_use_median = True # Use minimum value instead of average or median. # Overrules "outside_sensors_use_median" setting. # Best if one or more sensors could be exposed to direct sunlight or other heat sources for some time of the day. outside_sensors_force_minimum_value = False # for calculated (averaged from multiple sensors) influxdb_instance_combined_outside_sensors = wetter influxdb_sensorname_combined_outside_sensors = Outside