#!/usr/bin/python3 -u # import serial #from time import sleep import time import os import sys import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import json import yaml from yaml.constructor import ConstructorError from threading import Thread from influxdb import InfluxDBClient import configparser #from datetime import datetime import datetime # Change working dir to the same dir as this script os.chdir(sys.path[0]) config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read('s0meters.ini') quiet = False verbose = False debug = False if len(sys.argv) >= 2: if sys.argv[1] == "-q": verbose = False quiet = True debug = False elif sys.argv[1] == "-v": verbose = True quiet = False debug = False print("VERBOSE=ON") elif sys.argv[1] == "-d": verbose = True quiet = False debug = True print("DEBUG=ON") consoleAddTimestamp = config['main'].get('consoleAddTimestamp') conf_storage_path = config['filelog'].get('storage_path') if conf_storage_path[-1:] != '/': conf_storage_path += '/' ser = serial.Serial(port=config['hardware'].get('serialPort'), baudrate = config['hardware'].get('serialBaud'), parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout=config['hardware'].getint('serialTout')) if not quiet: print("S0MetersLog by Flo Kra") print("=======================================================================") meters_yaml = yaml.load(open(config['main'].get('meters_config_yml')), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) if not quiet: print("Meters configuration:") print(json.dumps(meters_yaml, indent=2)) print("loading InfluxDB configuration...") influxdb_yaml = yaml.load(open(config['main'].get('influx_config_yml')), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) if not quiet: print("InfluxDB Instances:") print(json.dumps(influxdb_yaml, indent=4)) influxclient = dict() for instance in influxdb_yaml: i_host = influxdb_yaml[instance].get('host', None) i_port = int(influxdb_yaml[instance].get('port', 8086)) i_username = influxdb_yaml[instance].get('username', None) i_password = influxdb_yaml[instance].get('password', None) i_database = influxdb_yaml[instance].get('database', None) if i_host != None and i_database != None: if i_username != None and i_password != None: influxclient[instance] = InfluxDBClient(i_host, i_port, i_username, i_password, i_database) else: influxclient[instance] = InfluxDBClient(i_host, i_port, i_database) data_energy = dict() data_momentary = dict() saved_today_date = dict() influxdb_energy_lastWriteTime = dict() energy_history_lastPublished = dict() saved_energy_today_min = dict() saved_energy_yesterday_total = dict() for meter in meters_yaml: data_energy[meter] = dict() data_momentary[meter] = dict() MQTTenabled = config['mqtt'].getboolean('enable', False) if MQTTenabled: def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): if not quiet: print("MQTT: connected with result code " + str(rc)) client.subscribe(config['mqtt'].get('topic_cmd')) if not quiet: print("MQTT: subscribed topic:", config['mqtt'].get('topic_cmd')) def on_message(client, userdata, msg): if not quiet: print("MQTT incoming on topic", msg.topic) if msg.topic == config['mqtt'].get('topic_cmd'): if not quiet: print("MQTT CMD:", msg.payload) cmd = msg.payload.decode('ascii') + '\n' ser.write(cmd.encode('ascii')) mqttc = mqtt.Client() mqttc.on_connect = on_connect #mqttc.on_disconnect = on_disconnect mqttc.on_message = on_message if config['mqtt'].get('user') != "" and config['mqtt'].get('password') != "": mqttc.username_pw_set(config['mqtt'].get('user'), config['mqtt'].get('password')) mqttc.connect(config['mqtt'].get('server'), config['mqtt'].getint('port'), config['mqtt'].getint('keepalive')) mqttc.loop_start() def processMeterData(data): try: cJson = json.loads(data) except: cJson = False #print(json.dumps(cJson, indent=1)) #print(cJson['C']) #print(json.dumps(meters_yaml[cJson['C']])) #print(json.dumps(cJson)) # parse JSON object received from DualS0ImpCounter hardware if cJson: # extract variables from JSON cNum = cJson.get('C') #print(cNum) cReading = float(cJson.get('reading', None)) dTime = cJson.get('dTime', None) # declare variables for program sequence control write_energy_to_influxdb = False # get config data for this meter number cName = meters_yaml[cNum].get('name', None) statTopic = meters_yaml[cNum].get('statTopic', None) unit = meters_yaml[cNum].get('unit', None) publishJSON = meters_yaml[cNum].get('MQTTPublishJSON', False) extendJSON = False if publishJSON or verbose: extendJSON = True conv_unit = meters_yaml[cNum].get('conv_unit', None) conv_factor = meters_yaml[cNum].get('conv_factor', None) conv_digits = meters_yaml[cNum].get('conv_digits', None) if conv_digits is None: conv_digits = 2 cost_unit = meters_yaml[cNum].get('cost_unit', None) cost_per_unit = meters_yaml[cNum].get('cost_per_unit', None) cost_from_conv = meters_yaml[cNum].get('cost_from_conv', False) momUnit = meters_yaml[cNum].get('momUnit', None) momType = meters_yaml[cNum].get('momType', None) momUnit_conv1 = meters_yaml[cNum].get('momUnit_conv1', None) momType_conv1 = meters_yaml[cNum].get('momType_conv1', None) momUnit_conv2 = meters_yaml[cNum].get('momUnit_conv2', None) momType_conv2 = meters_yaml[cNum].get('momType_conv2', None) impPerUnit = meters_yaml[cNum].get('impPerUnit', None) momFactor = meters_yaml[cNum].get('momFactor', None) if momFactor is None: momFactor = 1 momDigits = meters_yaml[cNum].get('momDigits', None) if momDigits is None: momDigits = 3 momFactor_conv1 = meters_yaml[cNum].get('momFactor_conv1', None) if momFactor_conv1 is None: momFactor_conv1 = 1 momDigits_conv1 = meters_yaml[cNum].get('momDigits_conv1', None) if momDigits_conv1 is None: momDigits_conv1 = 3 momFactor_conv2 = meters_yaml[cNum].get('momFactor_conv2', None) if momFactor_conv2 is None: momFactor_conv2 = 1 momDigits_conv2 = meters_yaml[cNum].get('momDigits_conv2', None) if momDigits_conv2 is None: momDigits_conv2 = 3 digits = meters_yaml[cNum].get('digits', None) influxMinWriteInterval = meters_yaml[cNum].get('influxMinWriteInterval_energy', None) if influxMinWriteInterval == None: influxMinWriteInterval = 0 historyPublishInterval = meters_yaml[cNum].get('historyPublishInterval', 300) billingStartDate = meters_yaml[cNum].get('billingStartDate', None) # add meter name to JSON object if cName is not None and extendJSON: cJson['name'] = cName # check for date rollover since last impulse today = datetime.date.today() today_str = today.strftime('%Y%m%d') today_year_str = today.strftime('%Y') today_mon_str = today.strftime('%m') yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(days = 1) yesterday_str = yesterday.strftime('%Y%m%d') yesterday_year_str = yesterday.strftime('%Y') yesterday_mon_str = yesterday.strftime('%m') # needed for calendar week isocal = datetime.date.fromisoformat(today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')).isocalendar() week = isocal[1] year = isocal[0] #print(year) #print(week) # this week ## week_day1 = datetime.date.fromisocalendar(year, week, 1) # works only from python 3.8 - RPi only has 3.7.3 week_d = str(year) + "-W" + str(week) #print(week_d) week_day1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(week_d + '-1', "%Y-W%W-%w") # for python 3.7 week_day1_str = week_day1.strftime('%Y%m%d') #print(week_day1_str) week_day1_year_str = week_day1.strftime('%Y') week_day1_mon_str = week_day1.strftime('%m') # last week if week > 1: lastweek = week - 1 lastweek_year = year else: # get highest week number of last year lastweek_year = year - 1 lastyearlastweek = datetime.date.fromisoformat(str(lastweek_year) + "-12-31").isocalendar().week lastweek = lastyearlastweek lastweek_d = str(lastweek_year) + "-W" + str(lastweek) #lastweek_day1 = datetime.date.fromisocalendar(lastweek_year, lastweek, 1) # works only from python 3.8 - RPi only has 3.7.3 lastweek_day1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(lastweek_d + '-1', "%Y-W%W-%w") # for python 3.7 lastweek_day1_str = lastweek_day1.strftime('%Y%m%d') lastweek_day1_year_str = lastweek_day1.strftime('%Y') lastweek_day1_mon_str = lastweek_day1.strftime('%m') # this month month = int(today.strftime('%m')) month_day1_str = str(year) + str(month) + "01" # last month lastmonth_year = None lastmonth = None if month > 1: lastmonth = month - 1 lastmonth_year = year else: lastmonth = 12 lastmonth_year = year - 1 lastmonth_day1_str = str(lastmonth_year) + str(lastmonth) + "01" # billing start date if billingStartDate is not None: tmp_billdate = billingStartDate.split("-") bill_year = tmp_billdate[0] bill_month = tmp_billdate[1] bill_day = tmp_billdate[2] ##print("bill_year=" + str(bill_year)) ##print("bill_month=" + str(bill_month)) ##print("bill_day=" + str(bill_day)) dateRollover = False savedtodaydate = saved_today_date.get(cName, False) if not savedtodaydate or savedtodaydate != today: if debug: print("date rollover happened or no date has been saved yet for meter " + str(cName)) if savedtodaydate and savedtodaydate == yesterday: # date rollover just happened, so change todays date to current and proceed dateRollover = True #log.debug(savedtodaydate) saved_today_date[cName] = today strformat = "{:.3f}" cReading_formatted = None if digits is not None: strformat = "{:."+str(digits)+"f}" cReading_formatted = strformat.format(cReading) if extendJSON: cJson['reading'] = round(cReading, digits) # add unit to JSON object if unit is not None and extendJSON: cJson['unit'] = unit # calculate momentane usage # if impulses per unit are set and measured time between last impulses is known if impPerUnit and dTime is not None: if dTime == 0: momValue = 0.0 else: momValue = (3600000 / dTime / impPerUnit) * momFactor # conversions of momValue momValue_conv1 = 0.0 momValue_conv2 = 0.0 if momType_conv1 is not None: momValue_conv1 = momValue * momFactor_conv1 if momType_conv2 is not None: momValue_conv2 = momValue * momFactor_conv2 # round value of momValue if momDigits > 0: momValue = round(momValue, momDigits) else: momValue = round(momValue) if momDigits_conv1 > 0: momValue_conv1 = round(momValue_conv1, momDigits_conv1) else: momValue_conv1 = round(momValue_conv1) if momDigits_conv2 > 0: momValue_conv2 = round(momValue_conv2, momDigits_conv2) else: momValue_conv2 = round(momValue_conv2) if momType is not None and extendJSON: cJson[momType] = momValue if momType_conv1 is not None and extendJSON: cJson[momType_conv1] = momValue_conv1 if momType_conv2 is not None and extendJSON: cJson[momType_conv2] = momValue_conv2 if statTopic and MQTTenabled: if momType is not None: mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/" + momType, str(momValue), qos=0, retain=False) if momType_conv1 is not None: mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/" + momType_conv1, str(momValue_conv1), qos=0, retain=False) if momType_conv2 is not None: mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/" + momType_conv2, str(momValue_conv2), qos=0, retain=False) # publish current reading to MQTT if statTopic: if MQTTenabled and cReading_formatted is not None: mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/reading", str(cReading_formatted), qos=0, retain=False) data_energy[cNum][meters_yaml[cNum].get('influxFieldName_energy', 'energyTotal')] = round(float(cReading), digits) #if conv_unit is not None and conv_factor is not None and meters_yaml[cNum].get('influxFieldName_energy_conv', None) is not None:: # data_energy[cNum][meters_yaml[cNum].get('influxFieldName_energy_conv', 'energyTotal_conv')] = round(momValue_conv1, digits) data_momentary[cNum][meters_yaml[cNum].get('influxFieldName_mom', 'momentaryUsage')] = round(float(momValue), momDigits) if momType_conv2 is not None and meters_yaml[cNum].get('influxFieldName_mom_conv1', None) is not None: data_momentary[cNum][meters_yaml[cNum].get('influxFieldName_mom_conv1', 'momentaryUsage_conv1')] = round(momValue_conv1, momDigits_conv1) if momType_conv2 is not None and meters_yaml[cNum].get('influxFieldName_mom_conv2', None) is not None: data_momentary[cNum][meters_yaml[cNum].get('influxFieldName_mom_conv2', 'momentaryUsage_conv2')] = round(momValue_conv2, momDigits_conv2) #print() #print("data_energy[cNum]") #print(data_energy[cNum]) #print("data_momentary[cNum]") #print(data_momentary[cNum]) #print() # check history publish interval - only publish if interval elapsed or first run after program start publishEnergyHistory = False ts = int(time.time()) energyHistoryPublish_elapsedTime = 0 if energy_history_lastPublished.get(cNum, None) != None: energyHistoryPublish_elapsedTime = ts - energy_history_lastPublished.get(cNum) if energyHistoryPublish_elapsedTime >= historyPublishInterval: # write interval elapsed -> write to InfluxDB publishEnergyHistory = True energy_history_lastPublished[cNum] = ts else: # first run -> write to InfluxDB immediately publishEnergyHistory = True energy_history_lastPublished[cNum] = ts # InfluxDB t_utc = datetime.datetime.utcnow() t_str = t_utc.isoformat() + 'Z' # write to InfluxDB after date rollover if dateRollover: write_energy_to_influxdb = True # check write interval - only write if interval elapsed or first run after program start ts = int(time.time()) influxEnergyWrite_elapsedTime = 0 if influxdb_energy_lastWriteTime.get(cNum, None) != None: influxEnergyWrite_elapsedTime = ts - influxdb_energy_lastWriteTime.get(cNum) if influxEnergyWrite_elapsedTime >= influxMinWriteInterval: # write interval elapsed -> write to InfluxDB write_energy_to_influxdb = True else: # first run -> write to InfluxDB immediately write_energy_to_influxdb = True # InfluxDB - energy readings influxInstance_energy = meters_yaml[cNum].get('influxInstance_energy', None) if influxInstance_energy is not None: if write_energy_to_influxdb: influx_measurement = meters_yaml[cNum].get('influxMeasurement_energy', None) if influx_measurement == None: influx_measurement = influxdb_yaml[influxInstance_energy].get('defaultMeasurement', 'energy') jsondata_energy = [ { 'measurement': influx_measurement, 'tags': { 'meter': cName, }, 'time': t_str, 'fields': data_energy[cNum] } ] if verbose: print("Writing ENERGY to InfluxDB:") print(json.dumps(jsondata_energy, indent = 4)) try: influxclient[influxInstance_energy].write_points(jsondata_energy) # remember write time to maintain interval influxdb_energy_lastWriteTime[cNum] = int(time.time()) except Exception as e: print('Data not written!') #log.error('Data not written!') print(e) #log.error(e) else: if verbose: print("Writing ENERGY to InfluxDB skipped (influxMinWriteInterval="+ str(influxMinWriteInterval) + ", elapsedTime=" + str(influxEnergyWrite_elapsedTime) + ")") # InfluxDB - momentary values influxInstance_mom = meters_yaml[cNum].get('influxInstance_mom', None) if influxInstance_mom is not None: influx_measurement = meters_yaml[cNum].get('influxMeasurement_mom', None) if influx_measurement == None: influx_measurement = influxdb_yaml[influxInstance_mom].get('defaultMeasurement', 'energy') jsondata_momentary = [ { 'measurement': influx_measurement, 'tags': { 'meter': cName, }, 'time': t_str, 'fields': data_momentary[cNum] } ] if verbose: print("Writing MOMENTARY to InfluxDB:") print(json.dumps(jsondata_momentary, indent = 4)) try: influxclient[influxInstance_mom].write_points(jsondata_momentary) except Exception as e: print('Data not written!') #log.error('Data not written!') print(e) #log.error(e) # file log and calculation of today/yesterday values if config['filelog'].getboolean('enable'): # save and restore yesterday´s total energy to calculate today´s energy # check if total energy from yesterday is stored in memory, if not try to get it from saved file file_path_meter_base = conf_storage_path + cName + "/" file_path_meter_year = conf_storage_path + cName + "/" + today_year_str + "/" file_path_meter = conf_storage_path + cName + "/" + today_year_str + "/" + today_mon_str + "/" file_today_min = file_path_meter + today_str + "_min.txt" file_path_meter_year_yday = conf_storage_path + cName + "/" + yesterday_year_str + "/" file_path_meter_yday = conf_storage_path + cName + "/" + yesterday_year_str + "/" + yesterday_mon_str + "/" file_yesterday_total = file_path_meter_yday + yesterday_str + "_total.txt" file_yesterday_min = file_path_meter_yday + yesterday_str + "_min.txt" energy_today_min = saved_energy_today_min.get(cName, None) energy_today_total = 0 energy_yesterday_min = 0 energy_yesterday_total = None try: # handle energy_today_min if dateRollover: # after date rollover set to None in order to read from last saved file energy_today_min = None if energy_today_min == None: exists = os.path.isfile(file_today_min) if exists: # load energy_today_min from file if exists f = open(file_today_min, "r") if f.mode == 'r': contents = f.read() f.close() if contents != '': energy_today_min = float(contents) saved_energy_today_min[cName] = energy_today_min if verbose: print(cName + " - Energy Today min read from file -> = " + str(energy_today_min)) else: #energy_today_min = None energy_today_min = cReading # file was empty - take current reading as value else: # save current energy_today to min-file try: if not os.path.exists(file_path_meter_base): os.mkdir(file_path_meter_base) if not os.path.exists(file_path_meter_year): os.mkdir(file_path_meter_year) if not os.path.exists(file_path_meter): os.mkdir(file_path_meter) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print( "Error creating directory: %s" % e ) f = open(file_today_min, "w+") energy_today_min = cReading saved_energy_today_min[cName] = energy_today_min #f.write(str('{0:.3f}'.format(energy_today_min))) #f.write(str(energy_today_min)) f.write(strformat.format(energy_today_min)) f.close() # calculate energy_today_total if energy_today_min != None: energy_today_total = cReading - energy_today_min if verbose: print(cName + " - Energy Today total: " + str('{0:.3f}'.format(energy_today_total))) # handle energy_yesterday_total energy_yesterday_total = saved_energy_yesterday_total.get(cName, None) if dateRollover: # after date rollover set to None in order to read from last saved file energy_yesterday_total = None if energy_yesterday_total == None: exists = os.path.isfile(file_yesterday_total) if exists: # load energy_yesterday_total from file if exists f = open(file_yesterday_total, "r") if f.mode == 'r': contents = f.read() f.close() if contents != '': energy_yesterday_total = float(contents) saved_energy_yesterday_total[cName] = energy_yesterday_total if debug: print(cName + " - Energy Yesterday total read from file -> = " + str(energy_yesterday_total)) else: energy_yesterday_total = None else: # no yesterday_total file exists - create one using file_yesterday_min exists = os.path.isfile(file_yesterday_min) if exists: # load yesterday_min from file f = open(file_yesterday_min, "r") if f.mode == 'r': contents =f.read() f.close() if contents != '': energy_yesterday_min = float(contents) if debug: print(cName + " - Energy yesterday min: " + str(energy_yesterday_min)) else: energy_yesterday_min = None if energy_yesterday_min != None: energy_yesterday_total = round(energy_today_min - energy_yesterday_min, 3) saved_energy_yesterday_total[cName] = energy_yesterday_total try: if not os.path.exists(file_path_meter_base): os.mkdir(file_path_meter_base) if not os.path.exists(file_path_meter_year_yday): os.mkdir(file_path_meter_year_yday) if not os.path.exists(file_path_meter): os.mkdir(file_path_meter) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print( "Error creating directory: %s" % e ) f = open(file_yesterday_total, "w+") f.write(strformat.format(energy_yesterday_total)) f.close() except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print( "Error in file log: %s" % e ) # calculate and MQTT publish energy_today and conversions/cost if energy_today_total is not None and MQTTenabled: # today in base unit mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Today__" + unit, str(round(energy_today_total, digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Today__' + unit] = round(energy_today_total, digits) # conversion if conv_unit and conv_factor is not None: conv_value = energy_today_total * conv_factor mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Today__" + conv_unit, str(round(conv_value, conv_digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Today__' + conv_unit] = round(conv_value, conv_digits) # cost from conversion if cost_unit and cost_per_unit is not None and cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(conv_value * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Today_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Today_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # cost from base unit, not conversion if not cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(energy_today_total * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Today_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Today_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # calculate and MQTT publish energy_yesterday and conversions/cost if energy_yesterday_total is not None and MQTTenabled and publishEnergyHistory: # yesterday in base unit mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Yesterday__" + unit, str(round(energy_yesterday_total, digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Yesterday__' + unit] = round(energy_yesterday_total, digits) # conversion if conv_unit and conv_factor is not None: conv_value = energy_yesterday_total * conv_factor mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Yesterday__" + conv_unit, str(round(conv_value, conv_digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Yesterday__' + conv_unit] = round(conv_value, conv_digits) # cost from conversion if cost_unit and cost_per_unit is not None and cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(conv_value * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Yesterday_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Yesterday_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # cost from base unit, not conversion if not cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(energy_yesterday_total * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Yesterday_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Yesterday_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # calculate this weeks total energy_week_minfile = file_path_meter_base + week_day1_year_str + "/" + week_day1_mon_str + "/" + week_day1_str + "_min.txt" energy_week_min = None if os.path.isfile(energy_week_minfile) and MQTTenabled and publishEnergyHistory: # load energy_week_minfile from file if exists f = open(energy_week_minfile, "r") if f.mode == 'r': contents = f.read() f.close() if contents != '': energy_week_min = float(contents) energy_week_total = cReading - energy_week_min if verbose: print(cName + " - Energy Week min read from file '" + energy_week_minfile + "'") print(" -> = " + str(energy_week_min)) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Week__" + unit, str(round(energy_week_total, digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Week__' + unit] = round(energy_week_total, digits) if conv_unit and conv_factor is not None: conv_value = energy_week_total * conv_factor mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Week__" + conv_unit, str(round(conv_value, conv_digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Week__' + conv_unit] = round(conv_value, conv_digits) # cost from conversion if cost_unit and cost_per_unit is not None and cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(conv_value * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Week_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Week_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # cost from base unit, not conversion if not cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(energy_week_total * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Week_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Week_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # calculate last weeks total energy_lastweek_minfile = file_path_meter_base + lastweek_day1_year_str + "/" + lastweek_day1_mon_str + "/" + lastweek_day1_str + "_min.txt" if os.path.isfile(energy_lastweek_minfile) and MQTTenabled and energy_week_min is not None and publishEnergyHistory: # load energy_lastweek_minfile from file if exists f = open(energy_lastweek_minfile, "r") if f.mode == 'r': contents = f.read() f.close() if contents != '': energy_lastweek_min = float(contents) energy_lastweek_total = energy_week_min - energy_lastweek_min if verbose: print(cName + " - Energy LastWeek min read from file '" + energy_lastweek_minfile + "'") print(" -> = " + str(energy_week_min)) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/LastWeek__" + unit, str(round(energy_lastweek_total, digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['LastWeek__' + unit] = round(energy_lastweek_total, digits) if conv_unit and conv_factor is not None: conv_value = energy_lastweek_total * conv_factor mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/LastWeek__" + conv_unit, str(round(conv_value, conv_digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['LastWeek__' + conv_unit] = round(conv_value, conv_digits) # cost from conversion if cost_unit and cost_per_unit is not None and cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(conv_value * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/LastWeek_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['LastWeek_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # cost from base unit, not conversion if not cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(energy_lastweek_total * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/LastWeek_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['LastWeek_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # calculate this months total energy_month_minfile = file_path_meter_base + str(year) + "/" + str(month) + "/" + month_day1_str + "_min.txt" energy_month_min = None if os.path.isfile(energy_month_minfile) and MQTTenabled and publishEnergyHistory: # load energy_month_minfile from file if exists f = open(energy_month_minfile, "r") if f.mode == 'r': contents = f.read() f.close() if contents != '': energy_month_min = float(contents) energy_month_total = cReading - energy_month_min if verbose: print(cName + " - Energy Month min read from file '" + energy_month_minfile + "'") print(" -> = " + str(energy_month_min)) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Month__" + unit, str(round(energy_month_total, digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Month__' + unit] = round(energy_month_total, digits) if conv_unit and conv_factor is not None: conv_value = energy_month_total * conv_factor mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Month__" + conv_unit, str(round(conv_value, conv_digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Month__' + conv_unit] = round(conv_value, conv_digits) # cost from conversion if cost_unit and cost_per_unit is not None and cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(conv_value * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Month_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Month_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # cost from base unit, not conversion if not cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(energy_month_total * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Month_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Month_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # calculate last months total energy_lastmonth_minfile = file_path_meter_base + str(lastmonth_year) + "/" + str(lastmonth) + "/" + lastmonth_day1_str + "_min.txt" if os.path.isfile(energy_lastmonth_minfile) and MQTTenabled and energy_month_min is not None and publishEnergyHistory: # load energy_lastmonth_minfile from file if exists f = open(energy_lastmonth_minfile, "r") if f.mode == 'r': contents = f.read() f.close() if contents != '': energy_lastmonth_min = float(contents) energy_lastmonth_total = energy_month_min - energy_lastmonth_min if verbose: print(cName + " - Energy LastMonth min read from file '" + energy_lastmonth_minfile + "'") print(" -> = " + str(energy_lastmonth_min)) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/LastMonth__" + unit, str(round(energy_lastmonth_total, digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['LastMonth__' + unit] = round(energy_lastmonth_total, digits) if conv_unit and conv_factor is not None: conv_value = energy_lastmonth_total * conv_factor mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/LastMonth__" + conv_unit, str(round(conv_value, conv_digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['LastMonth__' + conv_unit] = round(conv_value, conv_digits) # cost from conversion if cost_unit and cost_per_unit is not None and cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(conv_value * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/LastMonth_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['LastMonth_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # cost from base unit, not conversion if not cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(energy_lastmonth_total * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/LastMonth_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['LastMonth_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # calculate this years total energy_year_minfile = file_path_meter_base + str(year) + "/01/" + str(year) + "0101_min.txt" energy_year_min = None if os.path.isfile(energy_year_minfile) and MQTTenabled and publishEnergyHistory: # load energy_year_minfile from file if exists f = open(energy_year_minfile, "r") if f.mode == 'r': contents = f.read() f.close() if contents != '': energy_year_min = float(contents) energy_year_total = cReading - energy_year_min if verbose: print(cName + " - Energy Year min read from file '" + energy_year_minfile + "'") print(" -> = " + str(energy_year_min)) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Year__" + unit, str(round(energy_year_total, digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Year__' + unit] = round(energy_year_total, digits) if conv_unit and conv_factor is not None: conv_value = energy_year_total * conv_factor mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Year__" + conv_unit, str(round(conv_value, conv_digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Year__' + conv_unit] = round(conv_value, conv_digits) # cost from conversion if cost_unit and cost_per_unit is not None and cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(conv_value * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Year_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Year_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # cost from base unit, not conversion if not cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(energy_year_total * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/Year_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['Year_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # calculate last years total energy_lastyear_minfile = file_path_meter_base + str(year-1) + "/01/" + str(year-1) + "0101_min.txt" if os.path.isfile(energy_lastyear_minfile) and MQTTenabled and energy_year_min is not None and publishEnergyHistory: # load energy_lastyear_minfile from file if exists f = open(energy_lastyear_minfile, "r") if f.mode == 'r': contents = f.read() f.close() if contents != '': energy_lastyear_min = float(contents) energy_lastyear_total = energy_year_min - energy_lastyear_min if verbose: print(cName + " - Energy LastYear min read from file '" + energy_lastyear_minfile + "'") print(" -> = " + str(energy_lastyear_min)) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/LastYear__" + unit, str(round(energy_lastyear_total, digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['LastYear__' + unit] = round(energy_lastyear_total, digits) if conv_unit and conv_factor is not None: conv_value = energy_lastyear_total * conv_factor mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/LastYear__" + conv_unit, str(round(conv_value, conv_digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['LastYear__' + conv_unit] = round(conv_value, conv_digits) # cost from conversion if cost_unit and cost_per_unit is not None and cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(conv_value * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/LastYear_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['LastYear_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # cost from base unit, not conversion if not cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(energy_lastyear_total * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/LastYear_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['LastYear_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # calculate total since last billing energy_bill_minfile = file_path_meter_base + str(bill_year) + "/" + str(bill_month) + "/" + str(bill_year) + str(bill_month) + str(bill_day) + "_min.txt" if os.path.isfile(energy_bill_minfile) and MQTTenabled and publishEnergyHistory and billingStartDate is not None: # load energy_bill_minfile from file if exists f = open(energy_bill_minfile, "r") if f.mode == 'r': contents = f.read() f.close() if contents != '': energy_bill_min = float(contents) energy_bill_total = cReading - energy_bill_min if verbose: print(cName + " - Energy Year min read from file '" + energy_bill_minfile + "'") print(" -> = " + str(energy_bill_min)) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/SinceLastBill__" + unit, str(round(energy_bill_total, digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['SinceLastBill__' + unit] = round(energy_bill_total, digits) if conv_unit and conv_factor is not None: conv_value = energy_bill_total * conv_factor mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/SinceLastBill__" + conv_unit, str(round(conv_value, conv_digits)), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['SinceLastBill__' + conv_unit] = round(conv_value, conv_digits) # cost from conversion if cost_unit and cost_per_unit is not None and cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(conv_value * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/SinceLastBill_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['SinceLastBill_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # cost from base unit, not conversion if not cost_from_conv: cost_value = round(energy_bill_total * cost_per_unit, 2) mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/SinceLastBill_cost__" + cost_unit, str(cost_value), qos=0, retain=False) if extendJSON: cJson['SinceLastBill_cost__' + cost_unit] = round(cost_value, 2) # END file log if verbose: if consoleAddTimestamp: print ("[" + str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3]) + "] meterData:", json.dumps(cJson)) else: print("meterData:", json.dumps(cJson)) if MQTTenabled and publishJSON: mqttc.publish(statTopic + "/json", json.dumps(cJson), qos=0, retain=False) def publishStatMsg(data): if MQTTenabled: mqttc.publish(config['mqtt'].get('topic_stat'), data, qos=0, retain=False) def publishCmdResponseMsg(data): if MQTTenabled: mqttc.publish(config['mqtt'].get('topic_cmdresponse'), data, qos=0, retain=False) try: while True: serLine = ser.readline().strip() # catch exception on invalid char coming in: UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf4 in position 6: ordinal not in range(128) try: serLine = serLine.decode('ascii') except: serLine = "" if(serLine): if verbose: if consoleAddTimestamp: print ("[" + str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3]) + "] DEV_SENT: ", serLine) else: print ("DEV_SENT: ", serLine) #Echo the serial buffer bytes up to the CRLF back to screen # check if data looks like meter readings JSON - then process if serLine.startswith('{"C":'): Thread(target=processMeterData, args=(serLine,)).start() # response to a command elif serLine.startswith('cmd:'): Thread(target=publishCmdResponseMsg, args=(serLine,)).start() # other cases it is a normal "stat" message else: Thread(target=publishStatMsg, args=(serLine,)).start() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n') exit()