WiFiSwitch.txt 3.8 KB

  2. Alle commands können entweder über die UART, oder über MQTT am In-Topic kommen.
  3. toggle x Relais Nummer x (1-3) umschalten
  4. on x Relais Nummer x (1-3) ein
  5. off x Relais Nummer x (1-3) aus
  6. all on alle Relais ein
  7. all off alle Relais aus
  8. loadconf komplette Konfiguration aus dem SPIFFS laden
  9. restart restart des ESP
  10. save speichert alle Konfigurationsvariablen auf den SPIFFS (aufgeteilt in derzeit 3 files)
  11. getconf gibt die aktuellen Konfigurationsvariablen seriell aus (über MQTT derzeit zwar aufrufbar aber die Daten werden nur seriell ausgegeben)
  12. delconf formatiert den SPIFFS nach einem reboot. Konfiguration damit gelöscht (ausgenommen Wifi-Konfiguration, diese ist wo anders gespeichert)
  13. set param value setzt Konfigurationsvariable param auf Wert value
  14. devName device name
  15. httpUser web-interface username, only applicable if user AND password is set
  16. httpPass web-interface password, only applicable if user AND password is set
  17. mqttHost MQTT broker hostname
  18. mqttPort MQTT broker port (1-65535)
  19. mqttUser MQTT username
  20. mqttPass MQTT password
  21. inTop MQTT In-topic for commands
  22. outTop MQTT Out-topic for status updates (Relais states will be published to "/[RelaisNr]" appended)
  23. outRet MQTT Out retain-flag set (0 or 1)
  24. willTop MQTT Last-Will topic (This is announced to the broker on connect. The broker then publishes the configured message to this topic when the connection is lost.)
  25. willQos MQTT Last-Will QOS
  26. willRet MQTT Last-Will retain flag
  27. willMsg MQTT Last-Will message payload
  28. domOutTop Domoticz Out-topic, will be subscribed to to directly interface with a Domoticz server. It should not be set to "domoticz/out" as there is a high amount of messages
  29. published. Instead set Domoticz-server MQTT Client Gateway interface to "out + /" ("combined") mode, create a Floorplan and add only the devices needed to it.
  30. outgoing messagen are on topic domoticz/out/${floorplan name}/${plan name} - which should be configured here
  31. Button topics:
  32. For every button 2 MQTT topics and payloads can be set. One for short press, one for hold, which will be published on every button event.
  33. btnRet Button topic retain flag
  34. top1 button topic 1
  35. top2 button topic 2
  36. top3 button topic 3
  37. topHld1 button topic hold 1
  38. topHld2 button topic hold 2
  39. topHld3 button topic hold 3
  40. pld1 button payload 1
  41. pld2 button payload 2
  42. pld3 button payload 3
  43. pldHld1 button payload hold 1
  44. pldHld2 button payload hold 2
  45. pldHld3 button payload hold 3
  46. domIdx1 Domoticz Idx of relais 1
  47. domIdx2 Domoticz Idx of relais 2
  48. domIdx3 Domoticz Idx of relais 3
  49. allOnOffTop Topic for all ON/OFF command. To be used for a central on/off switch that controls multiple devices. Should be set to a common, not device specific topic on all devices that should be grouped.
  50. debtime button debounce time in ms (default = 120)
  51. hldtime button hold time in ms (default = 750)
  52. GPIO-assignment:
  53. ioRel1 Relais 1
  54. ioRel2 Relais 2
  55. ioRel3 Relais 3
  56. ioBtn1 Button 1
  57. ioBtn2 Button 2
  58. ioBtn3 Button 3
  59. ioLed1 status LED 1
  60. ioLed2 status LED 2
  61. ioLed3 status LED 3
  62. invert logic level (0 = default = active LOW, 1 = active HIGH)
  63. invRel1 invert Relais 1
  64. invRel2 invert Relais 2
  65. invRel3 invert Relais 3
  66. invBtn1 invert Button 1
  67. invBtn2 invert Button 2
  68. invBtn3 invert Button 3
  69. invLed1 invert LED 1
  70. invLed2 invert LED 2
  71. invLed3 invert LED 3
  72. impulse mode for relais - if set to >0, the relais will be switched off after specified time in factors of 0.1 s (10 = 1s, 1 = 100ms ...)
  73. puls1 impulse Relais 1
  74. puls2 impulse Relais 2
  75. puls3 impulse Relais 3
  76. enable hardware
  77. enaRel1 Relais 1
  78. enaRel2 Relais 2
  79. enaRel3 Relais 3
  80. enaBtn1 Button 1
  81. enaBtn2 Button 2
  82. enaBtn3 Button 3
  83. enaLed1 status LED 1
  84. enaLed2 status LED 2
  85. enaLed3 status LED 3