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"nightly".. work in progress

FloKra 7 years ago
1 changed files with 189 additions and 68 deletions
  1. 189 68

+ 189 - 68

@@ -10,26 +10,31 @@
 //#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>     //Local WebServer used to serve the configuration portal
 //#include <WiFiManager.h>          // WiFi Configuration Magic
-#define DHTPIN 13
-#define DHTTYPE DHT22
-#define RELAISPIN 16
+#include <AS_BH1750.h> // BH1750 lux sensor
+#include "DHT.h"
+#define DHTTYPE DHT22
 #define LCDADDR 0x27
 #define LUXSENSORADDR 0x23
-#include "DHT.h"
+const int DHTPin = 13;
+const int RelaisPin = 16;
+const int PlusButtonPin = 12;
+const int MinusButtonPin = 14;
+const int ModeButtonPin = 0;
+const int PIRPin = 15;
-LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display
+const bool RelaisOnState = LOW;
+const bool ButtonOnState = LOW;
-float targetTemp;
-float targetTempDay = 23.5;
-float targetTempNight = 19.0;
+float setTemp;
+float setTempDay = 24.5;
+float setTempNight = 19.0;
 float hysteresis = 0.5;
+int minOnTime = 300; //s
+//uint16_t lux;
+//int lux;
+float lux;
 int measureinterval = 10000;
@@ -51,8 +56,20 @@ const int mqtt_port = 1883;
 const char* mqtt_topic_prefix = "Test/Thermostat/";
 const char* mqtt_topic_temp = "Test/Thermostat/Temp";
 const char* mqtt_topic_hum = "Test/Thermostat/Hum";
+const char* mqtt_topic_lux = "Test/Thermostat/Lux";
+int domoticz_idx_temphum = 987;
+int domoticz_idx_lux = 876;
+int domoticz_idx_heatingon = 765;
+int domoticz_idx_thermostat = 654;
+AS_BH1750 lightMeter; // Lichtstärkemessung mit BH1750
+LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display
 WiFiClient espClient;
 PubSubClient client(espClient);
 //PubSubClient client(server, port, callback, wifiClient);
@@ -63,17 +80,13 @@ char msg[50];
 char topic[50];
-// Variables for printing temp and humidity
-String temp_str; //see last code block below use these to convert the float that you get back from DHT to a string =str
-String hum_str;
-char temp[50];
-char hum[50];
 // LCD
 byte customCharSun[8] = {0b00100, 0b10001, 0b01110, 0b11111, 0b11111, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b00100};
 byte customCharMoon[8] = {0b11000, 0b01110, 0b00110, 0b00111, 0b00111, 0b00110, 0b01110, 0b11000};
 byte customCharArrowRight[8] = {0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00110, 0b11111, 0b11111, 0b00110, 0b00100, 0b00000};
+bool lightMeter_present;
 void setup_wifi() {
@@ -146,8 +159,30 @@ void setup() {
   //wifiManager.autoConnect("Thermostat", "configesp");
+  delay(300);
+  pinMode(RelaisPin, OUTPUT);
+  digitalWrite(RelaisPin, HIGH);
+  pinMode(PlusButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
+  pinMode(MinusButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
+  pinMode(ModeButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
+  // DHT11/22 Temp/Hum-Sensor initialisieren
+  // lightMeter BH1750
+  //if (! lightMeter.begin(BH1750_CONTINUOUS_HIGH_RES_MODE_2)) {
+  if (! lightMeter.begin(RESOLUTION_AUTO_HIGH)) {
+    lightMeter_present = false;
+    delay(50);
+    Serial.println(F("ERROR: no BH1750 light meter found"));
+  }
+  else {
+    lightMeter_present = true;
+    delay(50);
+    Serial.println(F("BH1750 light meter found"));
+  }
   client.setServer(mqtt_server, mqtt_port);
@@ -166,6 +201,18 @@ void setup() {
+bool plusButtonState = HIGH;
+bool lastPlusButtonState = HIGH;
+unsigned long plusButtonlastDebounceTime = 0;
+bool minusButtonState = HIGH;
+bool lastMinusButtonState = HIGH;
+unsigned long minusButtonlastDebounceTime = 0;
+bool modeButtonState = HIGH;
+bool lastModeButtonState = HIGH;
+unsigned long modeButtonlastDebounceTime = 0;
 void loop() {
   if (!client.connected()) {
@@ -173,6 +220,70 @@ void loop() {
+  // Buttons einlesen
+  // plus button
+  plusButtonState = digitalRead(PlusButtonPin);
+  if (plusButtonState != lastPlusButtonState) {
+    plusButtonlastDebounceTime = millis();
+  }
+  if ((millis() - plusButtonlastDebounceTime) > 50) {
+    // whatever the reading is at, it's been there for longer than the debounce
+    // delay, so take it as the actual current state:
+    // if the button state has changed:
+    if (plusButtonState != lastPlusButtonState) {
+      lastPlusButtonState = plusButtonState;
+      if (plusButtonState == LOW) {
+        Serial.println("+");
+        setTemp+=0.5;
+        lastMsg = lastMsg + measureinterval; // force update
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // minus button
+  minusButtonState = digitalRead(MinusButtonPin);
+  if (minusButtonState != lastMinusButtonState) {
+    minusButtonlastDebounceTime = millis();
+  }
+  if ((millis() - minusButtonlastDebounceTime) > 50) {
+    // whatever the reading is at, it's been there for longer than the debounce
+    // delay, so take it as the actual current state:
+    // if the button state has changed:
+    if (minusButtonState != lastMinusButtonState) {
+      lastMinusButtonState = minusButtonState;
+      if (minusButtonState == LOW) {
+        Serial.println("-");
+        setTemp-=0.5;
+        lastMsg = lastMsg + measureinterval; // force update
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // mode button
+  modeButtonState = digitalRead(ModeButtonPin);
+  if (modeButtonState != lastModeButtonState) {
+    modeButtonlastDebounceTime = millis();
+  }
+  if ((millis() - modeButtonlastDebounceTime) > 50) {
+    // whatever the reading is at, it's been there for longer than the debounce
+    // delay, so take it as the actual current state:
+    // if the button state has changed:
+    if (modeButtonState != lastModeButtonState) {
+      lastModeButtonState = modeButtonState;
+      if (modeButtonState == LOW) {
+        Serial.println("modeswitch");
+        if(heatingMode>=2) heatingMode=0;
+        else heatingMode++;
+        lastMsg = lastMsg + measureinterval; // force update
+      }
+    }
+  }
   long now = millis();
   if (now - lastMsg > measureinterval) {
     lastMsg = now;
@@ -180,46 +291,48 @@ void loop() {
     humidity = dht.readHumidity();
     temperature = dht.readTemperature();  // Read temperature as Celsius (the default)
-    hum_str = String(humidity); //converting humidity (the float variable above) to a string
-    hum_str.toCharArray(hum, hum_str.length() + 1); //packaging up the data to publish to mqtt whoa...
+    if (lightMeter_present) {
+      delay(50);
+      lux = lightMeter.readLightLevel();
-    temp_str = String(temperature); //converting Temperature (the float variable above) to a string
-    temp_str.toCharArray(temp, temp_str.length() + 1); //packaging up the data to publish to mqtt whoa...
+      String lux_str = String(lux, 1); //converting humidity (the float variable above) to a string with 0 decimals
+      char lux_chararr[lux_str.length() + 1];
+      lux_str.toCharArray(lux_chararr, lux_str.length() + 1); //packaging up the data to publish to mqtt whoa...
-    char tempstr2[5];     //result string 4 positions + \0 at the end
-    //
-    // convert float to fprintf type string
-    // format 5 positions with 3 decimal places
-    //
-    dtostrf(temperature, 2, 1, tempstr2 );
+      Serial.print("Lux: ");
+      Serial.println(lux_str);
+      client.publish(mqtt_topic_lux, lux_chararr);
+    }
-    char humstr2[3];     //result string 4 positions + \0 at the end
-    //
-    // convert float to fprintf type string
-    // format 5 positions with 3 decimal places
-    //
-    dtostrf(humidity, 2, 0, humstr2 );
+    String hum_str = String(humidity, 0); //converting humidity (the float variable above) to a string with 0 decimals
+    char hum_chararr[hum_str.length() + 1];
+    hum_str.toCharArray(hum_chararr, hum_str.length() + 1); //packaging up the data to publish to mqtt whoa...
+    String temp_str = String(temperature, 1); //converting Temperature (the float variable above) to a string with 1 decimal
+    char temp_chararr[temp_str.length() + 1];
+    temp_str.toCharArray(temp_chararr, temp_str.length() + 1); //packaging up the data to publish to mqtt whoa...
-    //snprintf (msg, 75, "hello world #%ld", value);
-    Serial.println("Publish messages temp/hum ");
+    char setTemp_chararr[5];     //result string 4 positions + \0 at the end
+    // convert float to fprintf type string format 2 positions with 1 decimal place
+    dtostrf(setTemp, 2, 1, setTemp_chararr );
-    client.publish(mqtt_topic_temp, temp);
-    client.publish(mqtt_topic_hum, hum);
+    Serial.println("Publish messages temp/hum ");
-    if ( heatingMode == 1 ) targetTemp = targetTempDay;
-    else if ( heatingMode == 2 ) targetTemp = targetTempNight;
-    else targetTemp = 0;
+    client.publish(mqtt_topic_temp, temp_chararr);
+    client.publish(mqtt_topic_hum, hum_chararr);
-    Serial.print("Target temp: ");
-    Serial.println(targetTemp);
-    Serial.print("Current temp: ");
-    Serial.println(temperature);
+    if ( heatingMode == 1 ) setTemp = setTempDay;
+    else if ( heatingMode == 2 ) setTemp = setTempNight;
+    else setTemp = 0;
+    Serial.print("set temp: ");
+    Serial.println(setTemp_chararr);
+    Serial.print("current temp: ");
+    Serial.println(temp_str);
+    lcd.clear();
     lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
-    //lcd.print("Ist:");
     lcd.write(0x3D); // = Zeichen
     //    if (temperature < -9) lcd.print(" ");
@@ -227,56 +340,64 @@ void loop() {
     //    else if (temperature < 10) lcd.print("  ");
     //    else lcd.print(" ");
-    lcd.print(tempstr2);
+    lcd.print(" ");
+    //lcd.print(tempstr2);
+    lcd.print(temp_str);
     lcd.write(0xDF); // Grad-Symbol
     lcd.print(" ");
-    lcd.print(humstr2);
-    lcd.print("% ");
+    //lcd.print(humstr2);
+    lcd.print(hum_str);
+    lcd.print("%   ");
-    if (turnHeatingOn) lcd.print("HEIZT");
-    else lcd.print("     ");
+    if ( heatingMode == 1 ) lcd.write((uint8_t)1); // Sonne
+    else if ( heatingMode == 2 ) lcd.write((uint8_t)0); // Mond
+    else lcd.print("0");
-    char targettempstr[5];     //result string 4 positions + \0 at the end
-    //
-    // convert float to fprintf type string
-    // format 5 positions with 3 decimal places
-    //
-    dtostrf(targetTemp, 2, 1, targettempstr );
     lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
     //lcd.print("Soll: ");
     lcd.write((uint8_t)2); // Pfeil rechts
-    lcd.print(targettempstr);
+    lcd.print(" ");
+    lcd.print(setTemp_chararr);
     lcd.write(0xDF); // Grad-Symbol
     lcd.print(" ");
-//    if ( heatingMode == 1 ) lcd.write((uint8_t)1); // Sonne
-//    else if ( heatingMode == 2 ) lcd.write((uint8_t)0); // Mond
-//    else lcd.write(0x2D); // -
+    //    if ( heatingMode == 1 ) lcd.print("Tag  ");
+    //    else if ( heatingMode == 2 ) lcd.print("Nacht");
+    //    else lcd.print("Aus  ");
+    if (turnHeatingOn) lcd.print("heizen..");
+    else lcd.print("        ");
-    if ( heatingMode == 1 ) lcd.print("     Tag");
-    else if ( heatingMode == 2 ) lcd.print("   Nacht");
-    else lcd.print("     Aus");
     //    lcd.print(" ");
     //    if(turnHeatingOn) lcd.print("1");
     //    else lcd.print("0");
-    if ( temperature >= targetTemp ) {
+    if ( temperature >= setTemp ) {
       turnHeatingOn = false;
       Serial.println("heating off");
-    else if ( temperature < ( targetTemp - hysteresis) ) {
+    else if ( temperature < ( setTemp - hysteresis) ) {
       turnHeatingOn = true;
       Serial.println("heating on");
+  // Relais für Heizung ansteuern
+  bool relaisCurrentState = digitalRead(RelaisPin);
+  if ( turnHeatingOn && relaisCurrentState != RelaisOnState ) {
+    digitalWrite(RelaisPin, RelaisOnState);
+  }
+  else if ( !turnHeatingOn && relaisCurrentState == RelaisOnState ) {
+    digitalWrite(RelaisPin, !RelaisOnState);
+  }
   // Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again).
   //if (isnan(hum) || isnan(temp)) {