Configuration - Device & WiFi


Device Name *


if blank, random hostname will be generated

After boot, firmware will first try to connect to Main Wifi-AP,
then if unsuccessful Fallback-AP.
If both fails it switches to Configuration AP-Mode.
AP-Mode is disabled again after configured timeout and a reconnect to the set
APs is tried every some minutes as configured below.
If no connection can be established the module will reboot after another
timeout if configured.
Reconnect always tries Main-AP first, then Fallback-AP.

WiFi - Default-AP



Password  show

WiFi - Fallback-AP



Password   show

Configuration AP-Mode


Password *

* min. 8 chars, empty password for open WiFi

Connection Handling

Switch off AP-Mode after [min] *

WiFi connection check interval [s]

min. 10s, max. 3600s

Retry connecting WiFi-1 every [min] *

Try WiFi-1 again when WiFi-2 is connected.
(prefer WiFi-1 over WiFi-2)

Reboot if canĀ“t connect for [min] *

* set to 0 to disable

WiFiThermostat v0.6.0 by FloKra