# Software ## Libraries ### ESP8266 core for Arduino 2.4.0 beta2 (as 2.4 release has connection bugs) * ESP8266WiFi.h * WiFiClient.h * ESP8266WebServer.h * ESP8266mDNS.h * ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer.h * DNSServer.h * FS.h (SPIFFS) * Wire.h (I2C library) https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino ### ArduinoJson 5.13.0 from library manager ### Adafruit DHT-sensor-library (DHT.h) Used unmodified for reading the DHT22 sensor. https://github.com/adafruit/DHT-sensor-library ### Adafruit Sensor 1.0.2 Not really used, but has to be installed when using Adafruit DHT-sensor-library (even if I dont use the DHT_U.h version included in this lib, but gives compile error if not installed). https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Sensor ### r-downing PersWiFiManager 3.0.1 AP with captive portal for initial (WiFi-) configuration. Used with modification - added #define WIFI_HTM_PROGMEM to PersWiFiManager.cpp (turns off SPIFFS usage and stores HTML page to PROGMEM) https://github.com/r-downing/PersWiFiManager ### knolleary PubSubClient 2.7 MQTT client for Arduino. Used with the following modified DEFINEs in PubSubClient.h: * MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE: increased to 512, needed for receiving/parsing domoticz/out topic https://github.com/knolleary/pubsubclient https://pubsubclient.knolleary.net/ ### LiquidCrystal I2C (commit e3701fb, Mar 9 2017) https://github.com/fdebrabander/Arduino-LiquidCrystal-I2C-library ### r89m Button + PushButton Button handling library with callbacks on press, release, hold, hold-repeat. PushButton.h extends Button.h. https://github.com/r89m/PushButton https://github.com/r89m/Button ### Bounce2 used by r89m Button/PushButton. https://github.com/thomasfredericks/Bounce2 [Hauptseite](./README_DE.md)