# WiFi Thermostat - ToDo * reset settings via button if MODE button is held during reboot, ask if settings should be cleared -> clear if button is pressed again DONE: * update PersWiFiManager to 5.0.0 (or switch to different lib as it seems to be somehow abandoned now) * only start AP mode after reboot when no WiFi credentials are saved or canĀ“t connect * stop AP mode automatically after some minutes * do not start AP mode when connection is lost, instead only try to reconnect * if reconnect fails for longer time, increase reconnect interval * if reconnect fails for really long time (1h?), reboot -> all of these DONE -> forked PersWiFiManager 5.0.0, created PersWiFiManagerExt 1.0.0 which includes this functions OBSOLETE: * fix captive portal function (already done partly, wifi.htm must be on "/" when on AP mode)