Backend for JeeLabs JeeLink receiver. Receives sensor data from LaCrosse 868MHz temperature/humidity sensors, logs data to InfluxDB and publishes via MQTT.

FloKra 29ee4a645a Merge branch 'master' of 3 months ago
jeelinklog 74f9ac9d7b ## 2024-12-28 3 months ago 74f9ac9d7b ## 2024-12-28 3 months ago b34bd618e1 update (installation of required Python3 modules) 6 months ago


Backend for JeeLabs JeeLink receiver.

Receives sensor data from LaCrosse 868MHz temperature/humidity sensors, logs data to InfluxDB and publishes via MQTT. Sensor type tested working: LaCrosse/TechnoLine TX29 DTH-IT.


Requires Python 3 (default on Debian/RaspberryOS Buster or Bullseye).

  • on Debian Buster/Bullseye:

    install Python3 PIP:

    $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip

    install required Python modules:

    pip3 install pyserial influxdb paho-mqtt pyyaml msgpack pytz dateutil
  • on Debian Bookworm:

    install required Python modules via apt-get:

    $ sudo apt-get install python3-serial python3-influxdb python3-paho-mqtt python3-yaml python3-msgpack python3-tz python3-dateutil
  • copy folder jeelinklog to /home/pi

  • edit config files as needed. A minimum of 1 sensor must be configured before starting, so leave one from the examples there, configure it as desired and then find out the ID of your sensor and edit it afterwards.

  • test if it works:

    cd /home/pi
    ./ -v  (start in verbose mode)
    • put batteries in one sensor - you should see some output showing sensor data.
    • Find your sensor ID:
      • either look on the verbose output and find the one stating Batt_New: 1
      • or have a look in the logfile /home/pi/logs/jeelinklog/jeelink_new_sensors.log
      • or check the subfolder /home/pi/logs/jeelinklog/new - here JeelinkLog will create a file for each sensor received with "Batt_New flag on". Filename = LaCrosse ID.
    • exit verbose mode (ctrl+C)
    • Configure Sensor ID in jeelinklog_sensors.yml
    • delete corresponding files in /home/pi/logs/jeelinklog/new and /home/pi/logs/jeelinklog/unknown
  • install systemd service:

    cd /home/pi/jeelinklog
    sudo cp jeelinklog.service /lib/systemd/system
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable jeelinklog.service
    sudo systemctl start jeelinklog.service
  • check if service is running:

    sudo systemctl status jeelinklog.service


The configuration is split in the following files:

  • jeelinklog.ini: base configuration
  • jeelinklog_influxdb.yml: YAML configuration file for InfluxDB instances
  • jeelinklog_sensors.yml: YAML configuration containing the sensors

configuring InfluxDB-Instances

jeelinklog_influxdb.yml format:

temphum:                            instance name used in sensor configuration
    host: localhost
    port: 8086
    username: jeelinklog            [optional] comment out if authentication is not used
    password: password              [optional] comment out if authentication is not used
    database: TempHum               InfluxDB database name - must already exist
    measurement: TempHum            InfluxDB measurement name, will be added automatically if it does not already exist
        temperature: temp
        humidity: hum
        temperature: float
        humidity: int

You can add as many InfluxDB instances as you need. Please mind correct indenting in YAML files!

configuring Sensors

jeelinklog_sensors.yml format:

Aussen:                             Sensor name
    LaCrosseID: 1                   LaCrosse Sensor ID, randomly generated on battery change
    DomoticzIdx: 94                 [optional] Sensor ID in Domoticz (deprecated)
    Topic_Temp: "Test/Atemp"        [optional] additional MQTT topic to publish temperature values of that sensor
    Topic_Hum: "Test/Ahum"          [optional] additional MQTT topic to publish humidity values of that sensor
    InfluxDB_Instance: TempHum      InfluxDB instance name to use (as set in jeelinklog_influxdb.yml)
    isOutsideTempSensor: true       true or false

DomoticzIdx can be commented out or removed if not needed. Topic_Temp and Topic_Hum is optional, can be left commented or removed. InfluxDB_Instance MUST be a valid name configured in jeelinklog_influxdb.yml.

Outside sensors

isOutsideTempSensor: true will include that sensor in mean/average outside temperature calculation. Set it to true on all sensors that are (properly) located outside to enhance accuracy. You can add as many sensors as you need. Please mind correct indenting in YAML files!

MQTT output

All data is published to LaCrosse/ topic-prefix (can be configured in jeelinklog.ini).

topic_prefix = LaCrosse

For sensors with a configured Topic_Temp and/or Topic_Hum in jeelinklog_sensors.yml, values will be published to these topics additionally.

Outside temperature/humidity (mean/average of multiple sensors if configured) is published to topics set in jeelinklog.ini:

topic_prefix_outside_temphum = wetter/atemphum
# additional single topics for outside temp/hum
topic_outside_temp = wetter/atemp
topic_outside_hum = wetter/ahum

Example output:

Topic Payload
LaCrosse/Sensorname/temperature 20.2
LaCrosse/Sensorname/humidity 56
LaCrosse/Sensorname/battery OK
LaCrosse/Sensorname/batteryNew NO
LaCrosse/Sensorname/availability available
LaCrosse/Sensorname/lastUpdate 2022-11-08 09:22:42
LaCrosse/Sensorname/json {"temperature":20.2, "humidity":56, "battery":"OK"}
LaCrosse/Sensorname/TempHumText 20.2° 56%