combined outside sensors: add option outside_sensors_force_minimum_value to force usage of the lowest sensor reading from all combined outside sensors rather than average oder median
combined outside sensors: fixed handling auf minimum and maximum humidity (use humidity from sensor with lowest temperature reading instead of the lowest humidity reading)
combined outside sensors: always calculate median, but only if more than 2 sensors are present
combined outside sensors: only use median even if configured if more than 2 sensors are present, otherwise average (if outside_sensors_force_minimum_value is false)
add some more comments to source file and ini file
add option to speficy JeeLink initialisation command (support different sensor baud rates concurrently by set JeeLink to toggle mode, i.E. when using TX29 AND TX35 sensors)
add config option (Jeelink) initTimeout
minor improvements
support LaCrosse-ID value 0
add LaCrosse/lastUpdate MQTT output for monitoring purposes, updates every time any sensor data is received
add exit program if nothing has been received from JeeLink for 5 minutes (will be restarted by systemd)
fix config mqtt/enable did not work (was always true)
fix config sensors/outside_sensors_use_median did not work (was always true)
add dewpoint calculation and config settings calculate_dewpoint, write_dewpoint_to_influxdb
add absolute humidity calculation and config setting calculate_absolute_humidity, write_abshum_to_influxdb
add InfluxDB fieldnames/datatypes for dewpoint and absolute humidity
fixed wrong defined influx_default_datatype_humidity
add store combined outdoor sensors to InfluxDB
fix unlimited decimal places in median calculation
add median value calculation instead of arithmetic average for outside sensors
removed state string "NEW" from /battery topic and added own topic /batteryNew, as Home Assistant MQTT binary sensor can only work with 2 states (unless using value templates)
BUGFIX: check correct size of incoming data and prevent crash if invalid