Backend for JeeLabs JeeLink receiver. Receives sensor data from LaCrosse 868MHz temperature/humidity sensors, logs data to InfluxDB and publishes via MQTT.
Atualizado 2 meses atrás
ESP8266 base firmware with web interface, MQTT, sensors, configurable variants
Atualizado 10 meses atrás
Log Modbus Energy Meter data to InfluxDB on a Raspberry Pi and publish values via MQTT
Atualizado 1 ano atrás
S0 Impulse Counter for tracking the current reading of power and gas meters with S0 output. Consists of Arduino based hardware for capturing impulses (and storing the current reading in EEPROM) and a Python program to log the data to InfluxDB and publish via MQTT. Can also calculate power/current usage from duration between impulses.
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Simple solution to connect some sensors to any linux host via USB as a replacement for previously used Raspberry Pi´s GPIOs.
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Einfacher batteriebetriebener 433 MHz RF-Sender für einen DS18B20-Sensor zur Überwachung der Wassertemperatur im Teich.
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Atualizado 2 anos atrás
Arduino Leonardo (ATmega32U4) basierter IR Empfänger als USB HID Gerät. Sendet alle Tasten direkt als Tastaturkommandos an den PC.
Atualizado 2 anos atrás
Postkasten-Benachrichtigung über MQTT mit ESP8266 / Letterbox notification via MQTT using ESP8266 Eines meiner ersten ESP8266-Arduino Projekte. Primitiver Aufbau, primitiver Code. Aber hey, es funktioniert ;-)
Atualizado 3 anos atrás
Atualizado 4 anos atrás
HTAdmin is a simple .htaccess and .htpasswd editor to secure web content on an apache web server
Atualizado 4 anos atrás
Simple python script that inserts data points read from a csv file into a influxdb database.
Atualizado 4 anos atrás
Empfängt via JeeLink-Transceiver Daten von LaCrosse-Sensoren und stellt diese via MQTT bereit. Python 3
Atualizado 4 anos atrás